I said GOOD DAY!

"as i was saying, i held on to that scepter shard for a good five-hundred years and it was nothing but trouble. it attracted all kinds of attention - the wrong kind of attention.

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Persona 3: A Reigning Empress [Story]

With a small wave of her scepter, the crowd of shadows before her parted, allowing the corpulent ruler to navigate through, unimpeded.

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The Problem with Pipes - June Rule 34 Story #1

With a wave of his scepter, a cloud of smoke appeared around roy and he shook his head. "sorry, not today." he said as he vanished into the smoke and the smoke itself disappeared, leaving the ninja alone.

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Southern Free Agents, Ch 6

The scepter and shield were a matching pair and he'd had them for years. the attunement he had with them granted him more than just the ability to call the scepter to his paw; he used them as foci in spells.

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Amber Silverblood: Chapter Four

Victor paused, seeing my reaction, and then raised his scepter. "please calm down, amber," he said, and the gem on his scepter began to glow. i shook my head wildly, "no, no, get away from me!" and then it started.

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Amber Silverblood: Chapter Sixty Seven

He swung his scepter in a wide arc, its red gem glowing, and hendricks barely managed to lean out of the way before it struck his head.

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April 2020 Mini-Fics [Compilation]

As she struggles, maleficent raises her scepter again - glowing as it impacts aqua's forehead.

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Persona 3: A New Empress [Story]

"who i am..." she mutters - she lowers her scepter, and her free hand rises up, first resting upon her neck, but moving upward to land upon her cheek...

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My Life is Super Profiles: The Lumberjack - Declassified

Defined by their creators and simply placed into the sceptre which then uses them like templates... the essences are like filters for the sceptre's power... heh. the sceptre is a cock..."

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Amber Silverblood: Rogue Wolf, Chapter Fourteen

A chill went down my spine, though, when i saw his scepter clatter to the floor. _oh, shoot!_ i thought. _he can't fight without that. i have to help him!

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The Lost Tomb of Ometeotl

He eyed the golden, jewel encrusted scepter. it glinted faintly in the dark crypt, almost seeming to emanate a light of its own. his prize lay inches from his eager paws.


Amber Silverblood: Rogue Wolf, Chapter Thirteen

Dex pulled out his scepter and lit the gem up. "why do you ask?" "no reason." "you want to go first, then?" "after you."

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