Snack Time
It was definitely larger than her normal snacks. but if she made it last... just broke off a couple of squares now, and saved the rest for later, it would probably set up her snacking for the rest of the week.
Claudette's Snack
Hi my name is Claudette she said with a smile my name is Michael" he answered the her yellow eyes had began to take a form a wolf's snout appeared from the darkness then its head and the full body of a giant wolf that stood of over twenty feet tall...
Snack Time
Kyle's hands lost grip on his snack as he was assaulted by the slimy appendage. he'd lost track of the sandwich until the tongue abated, and he spotted it just out of paws reach.
Backyard Snack
The scent of freshly grilled burgers had a way of bringing out the entire neighbourhood, and everyone was welcome to the Randalls' backyard that sunny summer afternoon. Over two dozen bodies were gathered on the grass, sipping beer or soda from red...
Tea and a Snack
Before i was even sat down on the couch, she was there to serve a beer and some snacks. as always, unless she has something else to do, she would stand to attention just a little outside my view, but i wouldn't let her this time.
Shorty: Guilmon's Snack
Warning: This story features masturbation, and involves a non human character. It also has foodplay. It's a thing! \*\*\* Guilmon sat alone in Takato's room. His partner was at school, or maybe he was out researching at Hypnos. Guilmon didn't...
A quick snack~ (by me)
Felt a bit inspired to write some vore, hope you enjoy~ \*\*WARNING\*\* Contains: Unwilling prey, fatal, soft oral vore, digestion, and disposal. "This is my story! Not yours!...
An Insistent Cock Snack
You had been out at night, jogging through a usually quiet part of the city, then you felt something... followed by a long gap in your memories. You don't know where you are, but you do know you have a throbbing headache. You start to open your eyes...
Late Night Snack
Short story to wrap up the week late night snack tanner sat on the edge of his bed, an orange glow coming in from the midnight sky. he couldn't sleep, his body wouldn't allow it.
VTQ: A Morning Snack
Having gotten his morning snack and got off, razz took his time in the shower and let the hot water was over him while idly prodding at the wolf in his balls.
Midnight Snack for a Musclegod
Midnight snack by danath []( baylith is © baylith ([]( duo is © duo maxwell ([
VTQ: A Kitsune's Snack
#7 of vore thursday quickies so this was a fun one hope you enjoy being a cock snack. also going to try and be better about actually doing it once a week rather than every other week.