Thanks Chewbacca

Gallery page thanks for chewbacca i do not own characters of star wars this is just the work of my own mind. shortly after the luke and han's award ceremony.

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Death of DNA Chap.1 The Beginning

First, thank you skizo! i honestly didnt think anyone would respond! also, sorry for the page weirdness.

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Thanksgiving Sleepover

Being that the next day is thanksgiving, the topic of what each girl is thankful for comes up, and they realize that they all share a thankfulness for having met sly.

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Bear burdens of life (Chapter seventeen)

"th-thank you urving..." my voice quivered along with my lips, as another waterfall began at each eye. "thank you!" i wept, throwing my arms around as much of him as i could.

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Bear burdens of life (Chapter eighteen)

thanks iza! it'll be a blast, promise!" phelix's voice was dynamite, which i could also hear from barkley in the background. "i know thanks, it'll be great! thanks phelix, see you soon."

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Bear burdens of life (Chapter sixteen)

thanks again issac, sorry about gene!" phelix's comment swelled my heart, but they disconnected before i could speak again. "thank you..." i said with a grin, though only urving could here. "oh my gosh thanks buddy!"

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Bear burdens of life (Chapter fifteen)

"thanks urving, be safe and thanks for the call!" waving back he smiled vibrantly, then hung up. astounding what simple words can do, when shared with the proper person.

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Bear burdens of life (Chapter fourteen)

thanks for keeping issac company, you need some fuel credits?" urving asked, removing his suit coat. "nah, thanks though! you guys have a good night. thanks for hanging with me spaz!" barkley bumped knuckles with me. "thanks for coming by.

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Thank God for Moms

_All characters depicted in this work are purely fictional and over the age of consent. Any situation is meant as parody and does not represent any child, living or otherwise. ..._ **Tracy Westbrook** Tracy sighed as she slowly awoke to the...

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