Flexible Infection - Trouble

Mike and Cindy had fallen into one another's arms. Though they tried to focus on their human selves, the rabbits they had become were so very insistent. Mike had blossomed out into female curves, with large breasts, wide hips, and a soft tone of...

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Flexible Infection - Shopping

Chris emerged from the basement of the shelter and had a slow look around. He could hear sirens in the distance, but it was otherwise dark, and quiet. He hopped the last step and began a hurried pace through the campus, keeping his head low as he...

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Flexible Infection - Alone Together

It was quiet for a few minutes with Chris gone. Mike had gotten himself up and barred the door properly. He amazed at the feeling of his new parts, all the while hoping that he wouldn't lose himself in gaining them. His tail twitched and danced as he...

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Flexible Infection - Hungry

Mike shook his head from under Cindy, "Wrong kind of fatal. Look, think about the lady we saw outside. She didn't want to be turned into a rubber skunk thing, but once it was done? She was fine with it. She was gone." Cindy examined the egg in...

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Flexible Infection - Reunion

The beast crumpled to the ground, oozing latex like sludge from its head wound and going motionless. Mike jerked his hand away from the door just in time to avoid being hit with flying spray, but Chris was not so fortunate. He shook his hands, trying...

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Flexible Infection - To Safety

Heavy and rapid slaps of shoes on concrete were heard. A man was glimpsed a moment, passing by the narrow but short alleyway in front of the fence. He looked scared, the color drained from his already light skinned and sweat coated...

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Flexible Infection - Intro

"Citizens are warned to find shelter as soon a...", the voice of the anchorman was cut off as noise from off camera drowned him out. Shrieks and shouts. The anchorman looks to his left just before the camera is knocked over, barely capturing the wide...

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Entrance 4, Break Fast

I woke up early for a change today. I toured the house on my own, enjoying the fact that I wasn't under any appointments or obligations. The people would all stop and ogle at me at I passed. At first I felt a bit embarrassed, but that soon become a...

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Flexible Infection - Wetbacks

Flexible Infection -- Wetbacks This was done for commission. I hope folks enjoy it, do leave comments! Â Â Â In the dark shroud of night, we scurried across the dusty barren lands that stood between...

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Flexible Infection, Up a Tree

The air was crisp and clean, with the refreshing hit that only winter air could have. It felt great with every breath, even if my legs were a bit sore from walking half the day. It was our retreat from the madness of the city. We all had the weekend...

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Flexible Infection, A Wing in the Night

The ground made soft crunches under my boots as I trundled back towards camp. My headphones were draped around my neck, bouncing lightly with each step. I had been listening to the radio before, but then it cut out to nothing after the strangest...

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Entrance, Chapter 12, A Dirty Debut

I opened my eyes later. I couldn't say for sure how long I had them closed, but it was still evening, and the party was still going on. The sorcerer was next to me. She winked and wandered off without a word. Hazel came rushing up to me, her new...

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