He's Not Normal!

Two of them holstered their handguns and brought out their assault rifles, one taking a post staring down the stairs, and the other leaned over a gaping hole in the wall, watching the outside for any enemy movements.

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Fallen Sky Part One

She didn't look up, didn't think anything of it, until of course she heard the sound of three h-9 assault rifles opening fire.

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Georgia Campaign

Gathering my gear and turning the flashlight on my helmet off, i headed towards a nearby road with my assault rifle in my paws.

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dinosaur island

With a laser scope, a good shooter, and slugs, it could be as accurate as any assault rifle. carson held a scoped, laser sighted, silenced fal.

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Noble six- chapter 3- I'll see you in hell

I kill a grunt with my assault rifle and buck kills the other.  'that's the bridge!?' romeo gazes at the giant metal beam hanging from a crane above us.

The Great War,Hell Division, Heroes Of The Dovahreich Chapter 3

He walked up to the control panel and placed his assault rifle down against the wall while opening the panel door with the tip of his knife.

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The Spyro Chronicles Chapter 15: Revelation

Their gondola had caught up to the other one just enough for the marines to fire their assault rifles at it. some apes who did have a weapon shot back. fang also returned fire with his staff.

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Interval 01: Fire Support Group Bravo

He tried his best to ignore the heat of the flames flicking over his head, cradling his assault rifle in his arms like a newborn child.

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The Final Assault Chapter Two

Henry picked up the dead fur's j-17 assault rifle and all of his spare clips. he put a fresh clip into the gun and pulled the charging lever. he then followed john down the hall.

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The Z Virus

I instantly shouldered my assault rifle and fired. killing both andrew and the z. i walked up to the two lying on the ground. "i'm sorry." i said, shooting both in the head with two three round bursts. i walked back to the house.

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Children of War - Chapter 1, An Unforgiving Moment

Angela, tom and jeffrey were on the ground while the soldiers aimed their assault rifles at them."i knew you were hiding something, daniel!" one of the soldiers shouted.i realized that the same soldier had talked to me each time. he was a bull.

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My Great Big Brother - Redemption

He looks at me, snarls, and then raises his assault rifle at me and...assault rifle!?! "get down!" remy shouts as she pulls me behind a large stone lying in the middle of the pathway. the wolf opens up, unleashing a spray of bullets in my direction. 

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