Down for the Count - Chpt 3

What was there to say about Terry's? Just as I passed the doorway in, I saw a meerkat swatting at the punching bag like it was a rogue fly. The knuckleheads around him were doing all-the-wrong exercises on all-the-wrong machines. It looked like a...

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What Once Was Eden: Chapter 5 Part 2 of 4

What Once Was Eden **Chapter 5: Competing for Hope (Part 2 of 3)** Messy entered just as they were finishing. He was cheerful and smiling broadly. "Time for the _kalura_ and her _kastil_ to get in their box," he said happily. Sajani laughed....

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A Different Kind of Babysitter - Part 13

Bradley honored his father's wishes that his funeral be a small, private matter only attended by family. It wasn't easy for the wolf, trying to comfort his family members as they grieved for the loss of the McGregor family patriarch. He and Tori's five...

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Sore Loser

It was late into the night in front of the boxing hall. Unusually for this hour, the building was lit up, albeit faintly. Craig the brown, white-blotched horse stood at its entrance, considering what he was getting himself into, a flickering street...

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Alexi Vs Roo

# Gym Boxing ## Alexi vs Random Roo Alexi felt foolish but didn't want to back down from the challenge before him. That challenge was in the form of a slender roo in blue trunks and gloves opposed to Alexi's black matching pair. Alexi had a tiny bit...

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The Purpose of PPE (Thursday Prompt 9-2-10)

The Purpose of PPE Thursday Prompt 9/2/10 Reian The gym was damp and hot, the smell of sweat mixed with smoke would hurt any fur's nose. The gym was decorated with a mixture of sports figures and firefighting gear and murals. Men were spread...

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The Bronx vs. The Bayou - Part 2

With the likelihood of Martin's next opponent being Bruno "The Creole Destroyer" Calypso, Sully thought it a good idea to track down some film footage of the large lion's previous fights. The old bulldog had an enormous film library of old fights, many...

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Four Tails and Two Kings

Six rings of the bell echoed through the now silenced arena as the audience looked on at what happened in the square circle. When the Grumpig Referee gave the signal, the Exploud Announcer made the call. "And your winner by Knockout...THE STRIIIIPED...

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Brute Belonzyk vs. Ralf Solberg (Yoshi Boxing)

The excitement could be felt throughout the whole arena as the last of the warm-up fights were completed, leaving only the main event ahead now. Many people had come to see this, as they commonly did when the fan-favourite champion was to be seen. But...

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Alex Vs Trevor

Alex vs. Trevor The sounds of the crowd filled the air as the two opponents circled one another, only to be broken up at the clang of the bell. The two backed up and headed to their respective corners. "Alex..." the large dalmatian's manager stepped...

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Keep Fighting - Chapter 1: Legacy

Bright lights shone down from the ceiling of an arena, illuminating the floor below much like the sun did for ancient Rome's coliseums. An audience had packed the building to capacity to bear witness to a match between two gladiators of the new...

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Backstage Pass (Vore Story)

"There he is..." you thought to yourself. You thought this as you stood amongst a menagerie of cheering, yelling fans, being pushed and bustled to and fro every time one of them moved. A waist-high metal fence separated you and everybody else...

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