Dogman Chapter 5

Well I sure have been getting a lot of messages, comments, shouts, favs, rates, and watches; thanks guys and gals I really appreciate all of it even though it's a bit overwhelming. I must say when I started this story I didn't think it would be getting...

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Boyfriend Pt. 2 {Despair}

Nick woke up, hearing a strange noise. He glanced forward to where Joey should be snuggling in his arms to notice that no one was there. Suddenly, wide awake Nick franticly looked for Joey. He saw him a few feet away, face down on the ground with a...

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The Law of The Pack

_It is the law of the pack_... Young wolves heard that, every day of their lives. Every disappointment, _it is the law of the pack. It is the way it has always, and will always be._ The name called out changed; _Jimmy! James! Jim! _ from time to time,...

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Moon TIde: Chapter 1

The town's single church bell began to chime. The sound reached all over the town, as the air was clear, and the streets quiet. The bell rang out eleven times, before coming to a stop. The town was decently lit, and not because of...

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Lone Wolf

**Lone Wolf** The screech of steel pierced through his headphones, not even the high intensity bass that was pumping could hope to muffle the deafening sound. It didn't help that his transformation had increased his hearing far beyond that of the...

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Eternal Door: Judgment of Ryan Chapter 2

This story and its characters are completely original and belong to Zelosh and him alone. Any resemblance it has to another story is accidental as well as coincidental. While this story is fairly clean there may be things you find inappropriate or...

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Change (Plus character sheet)

**Change** Silent and smell of death were the first that Skrida caught in her nose and ears, when she had entered the crypt. Now after fife minutes of walking in this empty tunnel lighted only by torch flame with scent growing stronger and...

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Fur for All Occasions

**Fur for All Occasions** _By shadowlugia249_ If I were given the same choice that had changed my life for good... I'd have to turn it down. I've grown too used to my new life to consider taking it back. The people who once made my life hell...

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The Glory of an Empire, A Prelude

Hallo, Krieg here. This is my first post to "SoFurry" and I have to admit I am rather excited! :3 Just a little note, this is my work, please do not copy it as that would make me angry, and you don't want to see me angry... I MAKE JOKE! :D But...

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Ten Century War

My name is Drake. For centuries, two races have been fighting each other and many died because of this long, hard war. Some didn't want this fight. They would rather we all just got along, then one day I met one person who changed everything. There...

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Life's Many Surprises-chapter 2

Well here's chapter 2 of my first story which did pretty good. In this part I add some mystery I think, and a dash of action with a hint of humor. I hope everyone likes it. Like last time, comments and crticisms are definitely welcome and are...

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Bordered: Part One

Hey guys. Im very new to the furry fandom. Im quite new to the website and the furry wrighting scene. Tell me if there are any grammer/spelling mistakes. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the first enstallment of my new series! BORDERED PART...

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