Spiral Nebula - Chapter 1

After admiral alexander sent out a special request for the special operations officer, he went to his bunk much earlier than the previous night. so much for his birthday.

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Revealed: Chapter 11

Being a special operations unit, it was extremely difficult to get into the spec enforcer program. it required a person to be in peak physical and mental condition and being with family members was a potential hindrance.

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Revealed: Chapter 12

A wise ass who could shoot a fly from across a room, a german who had some secrets that got him and his brothers into one of the most prestigious special operations unit that existed and now a family of trillionaires that were in a feud with another family

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Waste Away the Day - 1

"the most highly trained military special operatives in the entire canine corps?" "yeah, they said it checked most of the boxes for a rookie's entry test.

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The Raging Hounds V: Good, Clean Fun?

The special operations department has deemed it necessary to continue the assignment of the special operations operative, codenamed ghost, within the twelfth marine company for an indefinite period of time.

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Against All Odds: Extraction Ch.5

"well, i've been trained in advanced, multi-discipline hand to hand combat, special operations and application marksmanship, stealth recon, and target painting.

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D.E1 Crossover - Chapter Seven

D.e1 and our special operations fleet are making the jump at 2000 hours this evening. any questions let us know." "yes, silver. you can count on that." the light brown evocanis replied. "yukiomaru," silver called the small alien.

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"you are commander worthington, uenf special operation command, correct?" he asked, a hint of reproach in his voice. his voice had this strange, folksy twang to it. "yeah, that's me. pretty much."

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Pokemon: QATM Chapter 16

Marvin was ranked one above the latter-most; not quite a lieutenant, but the equivalent of a sergeant in the army, known as a special operative.

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Wolves' Legacy 3: Chapter 1

I was in a special operation unit and big decisions like this are not my style. so i want your input. is there anything particular we want to do?" i frown hard at the table.

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Aftermath - Reunion

We were a special operations unit developed to work as a perfect coordinated team of killers and perform undetected operations." jessica took a seat at my offering.

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Shade Chronicles: The Time Complex: Section 3: Aww HELL no!

(special operations- frozen transport.) passed by, i raised out my paw, and i was blessed with an assault rifle. i, in turn, tossed it to diego, who managed to catch it.

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