Scarlet Necklace - Part VII - A Date With Death

**FOX Academy Flashbacks** **Scarlet Necklace** **Part VII - A Date With Death** As Silver sped through the night on route to his first rendezvous, others were getting ready. Scarlet had moved off the Academy...

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Scarlet Necklace - Part VI - ... Another Curtain Closes

**FOX Academy Flashbacks** **Scarlet Necklace** **Part VI - ... Another Curtain Closes** **October 1990 - October 1991** Silver almost died before Gold could get him back to Ottawa. Weakened by the torture and...

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Darwin's Legacy 6 - Lost Souls

**Darwin****'s Legacy** **Chapter 6 - Lost Souls** Dawn had tried her hardest to keep up with the chief's son Bear Cat and his companion Willow Tail but her but she was getting too old for running through the forest. She had only gotten as far as...

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Darwin's Legacy 4 - The Power of Attraction

**Darwin's Legacy** **Chapter 4 - The Power of Attraction** Snowdrop's nerves began to falter as she neared the encampment. How could she ever explain how she came to be in possession of one of the canine's sheep? She debated releasing it in the...

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Darwin's Legacy 3 - Confrontations

**Darwin's Legacy** **Chapter 3 - Confrontations** Da-Lan was stunned when An-Gar-Lun announced that she was to become Mi-Ran, a pack courtesan. His mind would just not accept it. "Annie, why?" She had been clinging to his side as they lay on...

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The New Breed - Chapter 7 - The Garden

Fox Academy - The New Breed Chapter 7 - The Garden Vikki woke to a world of pain, thundering noise and sudden light. Then there was darkness, but the noise and the pain remained. Two faces over her, one dark, one pale, surrounded by stars. Were they...

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The New Breed, Chapter 6 – The Reconnaissance

Fox Academy - The New Breed, Chapter 6 - The Reconnaissance It was a simple reconnaissance mission and should have gone smoothly. Get over the border into Russia, find the compound in the forest, watch it for 3 days and get back out. As a graduate of...

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The New Breed, Chapter 4 - Nicosia Nights

FOX Academy - The New Breed Chapter 4 - Nicosia Nights Silver headed down the hall to see the Chief of Staff, Tancred 'Tanner' Williams, also known as Gold. His name, Tancred, meant 'thoughtful adviser' in the original Teutonic, and so he...

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The New Breed, Chapter 5 - Meanwhile, Back at the Farm

Fox Academy - The New Breed Chapter 5 - Meanwhile, Back at the Farm Vikki stood on the edge of the Academy's sports field in the chilly morning air. Across the street a group of Revenue Canada tax auditors gathered for their morning jogging...

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The New Breed, Chapter 3 New Kid on the Block

FOX Academy - The New Breed Chapter 3 - New Kid on the Block Silver left W's office and walked down the corridor that separated the executive suite from the senior agent's offices. Coming to a grey steel door that resembled a bank vault he...

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The New Breed - Intro, Ch 1 & 2

FOX Academy - The New Breed by Dikran O. Introduction Canada created the Foreign Operations eXecutive (FOX) during the cold war to fill the operational gap between Canada's domestic intelligence agency, the Canadian Security Intelligence...

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The Love Who Spied Me - Part I

The Love Who Spied Me - Part I By Dikran\_O Geno leaned against the wall of the alley behind the video store where she worked part time and puffed on her cigarette; it was turning out to be a bastard of a day. Already 15 returns with the...

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