Drug Use And Cub Abuse - Part 2

# Drug Use And Cub Abuse - Part 2 "Oh shit! Oh shit! This is my favourite part!" Jacob yelled gleefully, bouncing on the couch as he shoved a handful of chips into his mouth. "Ahahah!" On his huge television screen, the black-eyed,...

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Drug Use And Cub Abuse - Part 1

# Drug Use And Cub Abuse Jacob rolled his eyes as he listened to his boyfriend ranting. Fucking hell, the black and blue fox was having such a nice day before this, but now... He was really starting to think this relationship wasn't worth it anymore....

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A Brother's Duty

# A Brother's Duty There the little faggot was. Walking along the path with a happy little swish in his striped tail, a bounce in every step as he leapt between the cracks of the pavement. From behind, one could have mistaken the kid raccoon for a...

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