Spreading TF - Part 1 - Claire

Part 1 - Claire Claire laid in her bed, her day running furiously through her head. She had never gotten such low grades, never! It just didn't make sense, she couldn't understand what she did wrong or what her parents would say when they got back...

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Russ the Werewolf: Twitter Choose your own adventure story

**Russ the Werewolf** A transformation story written 280 characters at a time. -------------------------------------------------------------- Russel awoke slowly, his mouth felt cottony as he smacked his lips; his body heavy. The sheets clung to...

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The Last Medallion - Chapter 1 - Winters End

The Last Medallion Chapter 1 Winter's End -------------------------------------------- "Theora, how many times have I told you? This will be your last chance to prove yourself to the circle, there will not be another." The High Marven scolded her...

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The Last Medallion - Chp 2 - The Marven

The Last Medallion Chapter 2 The Marven * * * Theora packed her satchel quickly. The temple guards, or worse, would be coming for her at any moment. She threw any herbs and ingredients she thought could be useful into the simple cloth bag, she...

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Coming to Terms - Part 1

"Hanna, Hanna, I think...I think I had too much to drink" Joel's head spun as he collapsed onto Hanna's broad couch. His words felt like molasses as they slurred from his lips. The room spun beneath him. "Hehehe me...me toohhh" Hanna slurred back as...

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Coming to Terms - Part 5

Joel could only watch Hanna's descent into pleasure in shock. Hannah was growing bustier and larger right as her whole body heaved in its ongoing orgasm right in front of him. And she was orgasming hard, harder than he had ever seen somebody cum....

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Coming to Terms - Part 4

Joel took a deep breath as he walked tentatively around the room to where Hanna had unceremoniously landed. The sheets that covered his lower half fell to the floor as they tangled in his feet. He left them behind as he approached. He was never more...

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Theo's Life as a Were-Squirrel (Redux)

Theo had been changing into the squirrel too much, he knew that now... as a pulse of heat raced through his body from his groin. He realized that he shouldn't have come to the office. He had been spending most of his days at the squirrel in his home...

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Sam the Were-Donkey Part 2

Sam stumbled backwards as his thin still-human legs shuddered below him. His hips thrust beyond his control as his turgid pushed against the drenched towel draped over his cock. The fabric like a tablecloth hastily put over an uncooperative and moving...

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Unfamiliars: A Were-Horse Story (Chapter 1)

Unfamiliars: A Were-Horse Story * * * The horse grunted in pain, he had been grazed by several bullets, leaving a series of long red bloody gashes on his outer thighs and back. The wounds healed quickly but left matted blood in his otherwise sheer...

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Sam the Were-Donkey

Sam prepared for his date, exiting the shower and wrapping his lower torso in a soft towel. Approaching the mirror he rubbed his face, the stubble seemed thicker than normal. Reaching out for his razor his hand spasmed causing him to yelp. Looking at...

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The Job - Part 1

Chapter 1 * * * "Honey, you know you don't have to do this, we can find another way." Emily's arms wrapped around Stan's slim figure, pulling him backwards as she leaned into him. "You know I do," Stan said sadly as he looked into his wife's bright...

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