Hot Date

"Would you like to see the menu, sir?" "What?" the dragon looked up, the septum bouncing from the sudden movement. Lost in his own little world, the waiter had slipped next to his table without him noticing. It was a tad embarrassing. "S-Sorry! No,...

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This Demonic Flesh

Oh quiet, terrible night, veil of darkness that covers the dreams of mortals and turns them into nightmares... In you I drift, unconscious, unsure, uninterested in having shape. To what end? When the world unfolds in front of you in all it's unbridled...

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Of Dads and Other Things

A quiet night. The buildings were mere silhouettes against the canopy of the dark, moonless sky, with so few windows emitting any light that you could count them in one hand. The streets were silent for all but the gentle whistling of the chilly...

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My dad and my stalker are dating...

The veil of the night would normally be one of those things you wouldn't expect in the underworld, but it was very much present. While the morning hours were far from the blue skies that the mortal world enjoyed, they had their own light sources that...

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Bat Out of Swell

The day started clear, the sky nearly cloudless, and the air was surprisingly clean for the city's standards. The sun rained down on the buildings, gently reflecting off the windows into multiple streams of light that crossed one another and made a...

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Big Boys Summer

Summer. The time of the year when the heat of the sun pushed people into loose, revealing outfits, long stays at beaches and pools and a peak on electric bills courtesy of extended AC use. It was a season when everyone sought to escape big changes in...

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Royal Teasing

"Say it," the petit creature whispered, his voice barely bouncing off the tall shelves, each one crammed full of books on so many varied subjects, it would take an entire new book just to list them all. But the young orc wasn't interested in these...

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Twice the Bother

A drill here, a jackhammer there, and gruff thick dudes grunting everywhere. That was what went through Andrew's head as he stretched, those exact same words. A quick look up and he saw his workmates sitting on a beam, one of them whistling at a...

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It's Cold Tonight

A new day. A new day... Get up already, dammit! Even though the winter chill permeating the room would crawl up his spine the very second he so much dared to pull out a single toe from beneath the blankets. Really, what was the point of getting up...

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Flaming First-Timer

The door opened, and for a second, the only light, dim as it could go, came from the agitated flames that rushed past the entrance. A moment later, a hand patted through the darkness until it reached a switch on the wall, and new light bathed on the...

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Truth and Sex

A gentle breeze hit his face as the clouds around him seemed to fly past. But he knew, of course he knew, he was the one flying past the clouds instead. Or rather, the dragoness he was on top of was doing all the flying for him. A quick look down and...

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The Fantastic Mishaps of the Pussy with a Pussy

The roads were filled with the screams and the music so typical of the day that nobody batted an eye at it. In a small town like this it wasn't strange to see the local bar crammed with the sun still up, but what was unusual was that, in this...

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