Sovereign Lion Chp 2

The goddess circe has taken an interest in you, mortal. you possess great magical affinity." he said, causing me to blink in surprise.

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circe looked towards the heavens. "dominic got killed -again-?" circe then walked over into the forest where dominic the lion was lying on the ground. he looked up at circe and mewed. the others and i emerged from where we were hidden.

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In the Service of Cerce, Part 2

And if i thought she was beautiful she paled in comparison to circe, any woman would. circe was the epitome of classical beauty; and even wearing clothes you somehow knew just how perfect her body was.

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We're on circe's island in dominic's home time period." after circe restored dominic to his human form, we boarded the chess sea cruiser, and were soon on our way back to chess headquarters. chess in dominic's time period.

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Enter the Pyramid

circe had turned her into a fire elemental. raid fired his arrow at circe but she turned it into a rose when it neared her then plucked it out of the air for a sniff. "for me?

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Circe's Traveling Circus

"has anybody seen that bitch circe? haaw!" the billy goat replied, "no, but that buck put louie out of our misery, stomped the living crap out of him. but circe wasn't here, she got away again."

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AZ-03 The School Dance

Victims and a door marked: to circe's carnival.

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AZ-01 Sagittarian Sunrise

My mother's name is circe." arcadia gasped! "the circe! the sorceress who changes men into pigs? that circe?" gavin laughed. "now that isn't fair, arcadia. she hasn't changed a man into a pig since the years before christ.

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Circe's Captivating Cabins

Little does he know that the circe who owns the resort just happens to be the greek sorceress, using the modern convenience of a romantic getaway as a staging ground for transformation.

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HM-10 Hazardous Panic

Team 2 - mark, trina, cynthia circe's island & the champions when the three appeared on circe's hidden island, they saw pan and hermes standing there with roger, circe, ren of the northern herd, gavin, and the other champions.

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In the Service of Circe, Chapter 3

Due to the nature of our service to circe we can seldom be, um, satisfied by a 'normal' male.

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