Finding the Line Draft 1 CH 22
And it hit denton that everyone was naked, but there wasn't anything sexual in the air. the closest were the lions, with fred leaning on their couch, head resting on his brother's lap, but all denton read from them was affection.
The Society, CH 12
denton took out his phone, but maximilian grabbed his hand. "let go of my hand max." "it's maximilian, denton, and my son isn't finished."
The Society, CH 35
Which earned him a glare from denton.
The Society, CH 14
14 denton shifted to his back, again.
The Society, CH 20
"think denton. you need to understand how it works otherwise it's going to hinder you." denton sighed.
The Society, CH 13
"i wanted to protect you, denton. that what we all want to do." he left. denton cursed. martin had been right, he was an asshole.
The Society, CH 2
denton liked that the picture was of him dressed in biker leather, chest and up, face included.
Finding the Line Draft 1 CH 15
Call me denton, this is insane, but i'm with you until it's resolved." martin gave him a sad smile. "i'm glad to hear it, denton. i really am."
The Society, CH 29
He pulled the chair for denton. "i'm afraid denton forgot to mention he was bringing friends, please grabs some chairs." none of them did. they remained behind denton as he sat.
The Society, CH 5
Zee was exclusively a bottom, and marcus claimed to be a total top, except for denton. when denton was in their bed, both bucks kept their tails raised.
Finding the Line Draft 1 CH 35
"that makes sense," denton admitted. "good, then lets go get him." martin stood. "no," maximilian ordered. "dad, we have his address, and we're pretty sure it isn't a trap. we have to go get him." "denton."
Finding the Line Draft 1 CH 34
Zee hung up before denton could reply. it took some time for denton to be able to trust himself to say anything. "don't open the mail." leroy looked at him, surprised. "why?"