The Japanese Garden

The large pond gave a distorted reflection of the full moon. the distortions where caused by the ripples made by a pair of scaled legs.

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Room 429 - Chapter Five

Sasha huddled in the corner, her knees clutched to her chest. She didn't even remember going there. Her eyes were downcast; the other two people in the room were saying something, but her mind was too busy to listen. Besides, what did it matter? Odds...

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Room 429 - Chapter Six

The guard opened the door in front of them, ushering them through and onto what appeared to be a metal catwalk. To either side of them was darkness and a long fall. A few meters in front of them, curved, black metal wall presented them with another...

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Digital Prey

Acting on instinct and without the slightest hesitation, the amber digimon leapt into the distortion after her, steeling herself to do whatever was required to secure ruki's safety, at any cost.

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The dungeon| Week 6 BPWW

Garcia, that's a good little puppy." he was greeted by a distorted, slightly robotic voice, whoever that was clearly didn't want to be found out. it somehow still sounded female, even with the machine distorting her voice.

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Potions 8 - Second Thoughts

The distorted sensation from his fingers reminded vernon of something in a stronger way than sight alone could.

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Chapter one: Arrival

It was less distorted over the vox, but it had lost none of its sharpness. the pilot looked to the ground. "the members of the squad have fallen prey to ... a ... corruption." ignatius stepped forward, past erik.

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The Chosen One, Unwilling

Giratina's furious voice echoed in the distortion world, making the hairs on my neck stand up. it was then i knew that i had to play my cards right. one wrong move and it'll end me for sure. i knew that i can do this. i had to.

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Bloody vanes distorted the actual wound, but still he could see it was bad. he brushed her auburn hair out of her face, feeling quite sorry for her. (what had she said her name was? helen? holle?)

Room 429 - Chapter Four

A shape drifted into view, shaped like a brick with two squat, forward-swept wings, adorned all over with antennae, soft lights blinking on the tips. A brighter light separated from the bottom and began to drift toward her, gliding silently, before...

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Virtual Friendship, Draft 1 CH 17

He had extra information, such as the purple tiger's name, eric orr, the holographic one, uncle and a distortion next to him, marked as 'unknown'. the holographic tiger rolled his eyes and the distortion vanished. "ignore that," uncle told him.

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Stage 1-1

Ritual complete, every orgasm that rose had while covered in the star juice would distort the mushroom kingdom and empower mama koopa.

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