The Story of the Khajiit: A Compendium

As it is, most are willing nowadays, but khajiit are still distrusted. but my ramble has carried long enough. time to move on.

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Neptune's biography name: neptune gender: male parents: amphy (ampharos) - kim (feraligatr) species: hybrid ampharos/feraligatr type: electric/water birthplace: tohjo falls current location: unknown personality: serious, distant, distrustful

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Hades biography

Birthplace: unknown current location: new bark town personality: quick-tempered, distant, distrustful and serious at first. is cordial, curious, intelligent, proud of his strength and sympathetic when he have confidence in friends.

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Evokation / Prologue: A Toss of the Cards

Too many people still distrusted the supernatural after the war they had witnessed... yet many others embraced their presence, as they witnessed that hell was no terrible place of darkness that the popular religions screamed of, but a place of learning and

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Thursday Prompt - Portal - Hallow

The seeds of distrust between skellig and the authorities were sown five years ago. two rookies eager for a quick promotion attempted an unauthorised drug raid in one of the north-western apartments.

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The Black-Feathered Monk 11

But it was better to be away from those that distrusted them, and closer to their target. in the morning, after a night of rest, he would move to the camp further up.

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Deadly Heat: chapter one - Heatwave

"do not feel shamed for attacking them zena, they weren't exactly of your kind, it's instinct to distrust most males...." he whispered as he pulled her closer. just having alec close eased the heat that burned within her.

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How I met Boston

I catch him before he falls so he's leaning on my shoulder, but he swats me away, not wanting my help - still rather distrustful of me, i guess.

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Cops and Shadows

Everyone was so afraid and distrusting of this girl, and yet she seemed so small and frail. how could anyone think this small timid little thing could be dangerous?

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Mind Control Tales - Orcs Edition

There was too much distrust between the various clans, too many old feuds, too much bad blood, to make such a thing easy to arrange.

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An Inauspicious Moment (Chapter 1)

Aureus has successfully managed to prove to the judgmental and distrustful prey population that he is completely harmless to their infants and sick children.

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Thieves Chapter 3 - Raisins and Doubt

**Thieves** Chapter 3 - Raisins and Doubt It was still early in the morning when Jack entered the village of Eesgolen. The streets weren't very busy except of some people readying their shops. But he saw an unusually large number of guards...

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