The Good Die Young - Chapter 1: A Happen-Sword Stance

The worry for his potential murderer irked the wolf, but he just shrugged, checking his pockets to see if he had chanced to pack some emery shards.

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Chapter Fourteen - Through the Wind You Hear the Sound of Birds

"emery - the question - playing with fire, now playing." the somber voice said over the speakers. he made his way down the short stretch of interstate to the exit for the school, the lupine singing along with the lyrics.

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The Chronicles of Vaahn - The End of Days

He'd been given space and tools to work with, and was currently engrossed in the act of working on the edge of his swords with a piece of emery paper.

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Migratory Birds- Chapter 8- Mica

He opened the door and instantly the coolness of the morning surrounded him, rubbed on his skin like emery paper.

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Resisting Adam [Commission]

The otter proved her wrong when she emery pulled her stud down a little until she could clasp her hands behind his neck, holding him closer as the boy pushed a little further into speared rump.

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Dr. Rat Tried to Circumcise Raphael Meerkat

"it will be, dad", moze answered as he was rubbing a small piece of emery cloth between the points. "just trying get more life out of these points. they should have been replaced a long time ago".

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Zhang, Annika and the Rest of the Meerkat Family

"it will be, dad", moze answered as he was rubbing a small piece of emery cloth between the points. "it's these old points. trying to get more life out of them. they should have been replaced a long time ago".

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