681 Gratuitous Tentacles

Self-reference in the third person is a definite giveaway. "she can change reality in the same way that we can, so we cannot trace her event paths or perceive her possible futures.

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The Brothers Grimm -Prologue-

The glowing eyes and clothing made of living nature were a dead giveaway... she gave me a smouldering once over before breaking into a clear, ringing laugh.

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With The Wind - Horse TF Story

If you're interested in getting some random games for showing your support to my work please head over to my patreon page at: https://www.patreon.com/k9lupus pledging as little as $1 will get you entry into the giveaway, and everyone will be guaranteed to

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A Painful Wake-Up Call

The evil grin on the vixen's face was a dead giveaway that his furry testicles were in trouble. he dropped the shirt he'd just pulled out and both hands immediately flew to his crotch.

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Slave Girl 01

Another giveaway was the ease with which he held the dealer's brawny arm back. the two men stared each other down, but the slavedealer broke eye contact first, knowing he couldn't win here if he wanted to keep his gold.

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Doantion Stream

Donation stream a short story by chrysanthos / art by cinnamomo even here and now chrysanthos could still not believe they had won the giveaway. they prepared as best they could, cleaned up nice and good before heading out.

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: CH 7 : Where things went wrong

The large warehouse he was in, was at least somewhat of a giveaway that he was not in zootopia at current. the place seemed more military, private sector almost but the glass containment cages.

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Feral Heart - Day 1

"no, man, this isn't some first come first serve giveaway!" "well, who are you going to go with then, mr. 'not a giveaway'?" "well, i haven't decided," lucas hesitated, hands mid-gesture as he turned to look a marco.

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Ander - Chapter 1, Subchapter 33

The crossbow he held in his hands was a dead giveaway. "get behind me!" ander tried to cover her with his body, but this only seemed to infuriate the newcomer even more. "you get your filthy hands off my fiancé!"

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Alpha and Omega: The Outlanders Chapter 12

Kate's eyes giveaway that her answer. "then to hell with them!" "august, how can you say that? they're my pack." "and are you their puppet? kate i knew from the beginning that you were trapped and screaming to get out.

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A Fathers need

His son was the same way it been months since the last time he had his father in him his throbbing cock and the large knot at the base was a dead giveaway that he was the closest to cumming first.

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The First Anthromorph (sample)

The blood was a bit of a giveaway too. we started to the door. "and i've told you before," she turned her head to look at me with a remarkably earnest smile, "call me rittou."

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