Sneak Peek - Hell Forged: Chapter 8

Though now, with his worst fears having become reality, he felt rage boil inside him, black ichor pulsing through his veins as he found his voice. "what the fuck did you do to them! i'll kill you!"

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Wasp's Sting 2

When she opens her mouth, the red ichor flows out of it. these creatures aren't real people. they aren't really people, not in the way you or i would think of them.

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Shadows Chapter 2

Green-white ichor splattered everywhere for dozens of feet. he felt, _better_, in some way not properly describable.

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Celkali - Dangerous Experimentation Pt 1

The tube pushed between her lips, making the sensitive skin tingle, and squirmed around, smearing that ichor around her mouth and on her tongue.

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Origin of Holyjefe (The Holy Boss) Chapter 3

Brain parts and black ichor flew into my face. ulg, the smell... the smell. "holy, shield up, more on the way" michael yells. i take my shield with both hands, imagining the light coating it. then i layered it on, five times.

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From Elsweyr With Love (#11)

They arrived a short time later, but the the evidence of the poison knife, along with its ichor-laden belt holder was too convincing for any argument and they were released before the day had gotten late.

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I Can Wait

No feeling mattered to me more than feeling the ichor gush from my cock and drip down myself. i blissfully moaned into the throbbing cock that lay between my lips. "you couldn't help yourself, could you?" the wolf thrust into my mouth.

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Hell Forged: Chapter 3

Mathias' dead eye was blood red, black ichor oozing out from under the socket.

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Adding to a Dragon's Hoard

It was a molten rain of hot dragon cum, all of the kobolds screaming in victory, even those who hadn't been aiding in his neediness, and were all rewarded with plenty of the dragon's ichor.

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I am dragged into the center of a befouled circle, drawn in the ichor of my companions.

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Day 17) Lure

Muscles and flesh tore away in an instant, the dark crimson ichor of blood seeped down that light blue fur. ario lightly tugged back and gulped down the arm in a single wet swallow. "sir i..."

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Trouble in Paradise

The implications of that wording were not lost to the angel, but though they felt their ichor flow they did not comment further. professionalism and all.

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