What are Candus pt. 1: Apperance

This document will contain information about the candus and origins. _appearance_ the reason behind why these creatures are often confused with canine chemerians is because of their appearance.

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The Bandit Problem

Out in the hills of Italy, there once stood a grand mansion, with a great view over the coast and many nearby orchards that were said to produce the ripest, tastiest, and most plentiful fruits in the country. However, this mansion was also a common...

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Feeding Information

A fox prisoner of war is left with two options - become a spy or become dinner feeding information by declan xavier _tw: the following contains descriptions denoting non-consensual sex and vore leading to death.

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Denial of Information

"my lord, i'm sorry to bother you, but i have some information that i believe you need to know about," zeke said, looking at the prince nervous about his reaction.

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Sensitive Information

"sensitive information, eh? i know you wouldn't come to my humble abode empty-handed, mr. shoemaker. now that you were kind enough to give me top secret information, allow you to repay you with good old fashioned woman's warmth."

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background information

Just background information class 4b is an ordinary class with wolves tiger lions and dragons. okay maybe not so ordinary. what this class also special is that everyone and obsession. obesses for clothes, games, together. but the devil play too.

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Golden Information

As i began to look over both the old and new information it started to show an odd pattern that i hadn't noticed before. which wouldn't normally surprise me except in this case, as the new information was seven cycles old.

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Another Gray Muzzle mem

**01) Are you currently in a serious relationship?** Does marraige count? **02) What was your dream growing up?** To be a lawyer. **03) What talent do you wish you had?** I wish I could draw. **04) If I bought you a drink, what would it be? A...

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Kalistora [Character & Lore Information)

Kalistora information **information** despite popular belief, kalistora is not just a sword,it was once a person. trillions of years ago there was once a white female wolf who walked the nine universes before mortals came into being.

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Nega-Alexander [Character Information]

Nega-alexander character information **information** they say that in every alternate universe,there is a different version of ourselves but what if that alternate version came into our own universe?

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Tya's Family Fun - The Characters and The Goods [WIP]

I realize that sometimes my writing style does not completely portray every little detail some people need to envision characters and settings. So I thought I would list out every little detail I do not cover fully in my stories. So here we...

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