**Normandy SR2** **Post-Suicide Mission** Garrus slid off Shepard's hips, landing in a heap beside her lover. The normally energetic turian woman was exhausted, panting and gasping as she recovered from her most recent climax. Garrus looked over to...
MD Orc Tribe Chapter 1: Stop poking me!
Gro sat at the bar all alone that Friday night. The Half Orc had just had a long day. Not a bad one, just long. The TV was playing a rerun of some drag queen competition. Nobody in the bar was paying any attention though. It was late and only the...
Alternative Entertainment
alternative entertainment tabby reclined back against deacon, sprawled out on the old sofa as they watched another black and white monster flick from the fifties that flickered on the television in their otherwise dark living room.
Alternative Origins
Part 1 The hybrid's head ducked into the water and took a few deep mouthfuls. It was not the clearest of lakes, but feeling thirsty after a good meal of fish was to be expected. The half dragon didn't often eat fish because they were not that easy to...
Alternative Methods
The curtains on the stage were drawn closed, but next to the curtain, was a sign, reading "alternative night" in ornate letters.
Alternate Resources
Some of the endangered animals on it would be hard to find naturally, but he was sure they would have no trouble luring some alternate resources. end
Alternate Realities
#4 of a path of thunder _a path of thunder -- part four_ _"alternate realities"_ the loud roar of the pursuing predator resonated loudly, punctuated by the breaking of small tree limbs.
Alternative Payment
#2 of alternative payment alternative payment this is a short side story that i thought some people might like, plus i figured something new to the collie section was in order.
Rent Alternative
"i came to talk about possibly finding an... alternative way for you to pay..." the woman let out a heavy sigh behind him. "o-oh... alright..." he smiled.
Alternative Medicine
alternative medicine written by klesk vadrigaar "oh please come on travis you know this can't possibly turn out to be as bad as you're saying it is."
Alternative Ending
This is an alternative ending to a story i'm currently writing, in the story fox mccloud gets in trouble with bowser, but is saved at the last minute by the star fox team, in this alternative ending, he doesn't get saved.
Alternative Currency
alternative currency written by leo_todrius supported by my patronsbeneath skies that never seem to relent, along a road to nowhere is a gas station seldom visited.