Edge of the Universe

Before it could ever hope to reach the edge, the universe would likely have ended, but that did not stop its creators from starting the kinetic voyager project as a scientist's fantasy to map the stars.

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A Cute Fragment

They're available with incendiary and explosive warheads or kinetic effect with a 1,200 metre range." "i like it!" the general replied. "we need them to be heat seeking, independent targeting with fire-and-forget."

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Chapter 2 - First Fight

They take a bit more energy to fire than a kinetic though, since the gas needs to be ionized and then fired out, as opposed to a railgun which just requires its capacitor to recharge before being fired out.

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Oaknail shouted the signal, the mountain lion fired up his mechanical horses, and the kinetic rope pulled taut, then stretched a little. that was when i felt the car start to move.

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Crafty Heart's Lucky 13 Chapter 3

Using the little knowledge he had of plant kinetics, he aimed his hand towards a patch of dirt behind him, which he was lucky to find because of all the snow. he suddenly sprouts a rose from the ground.

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Super! - Super Nova

Nova the pyro-kinetic super is helping a company test some specialized equipment when a malfunction causes some unexpected consequences. this is a work of fiction.

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Recoil: Chapter 6, Limitless

I had too much forward momentum when i reached the top of the wall, so i transferred the kinetic energy into my clenched fists and threw them forward, sending me into an aerial forward tuck.

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Para-Imperium Technology

Projectors are still bulky weapons, the smallest is the size of a small kinetic rifle and most are barely portable by soldiers without powered exoskeletons.

Protecting the Line, Draft 1, CH 40

He dodged one, boosting the kinetic energy in the elbow as it connected with the other. that man was sent in the air, giving damian a few seconds alone with the other attacker.

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Breeder City S3 Ep. 1

The kinetic knuckle bomb crushed the creature's front end into the street making the cement crack under it. "hhhhaaaaa!"

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Breeder City S2 Ep.1

Delta's kinetic knuckle bomb collapsed over her fist. "rrrraaaaahhhh!" she cried out, landing a falling power punch dead in the centre of the hot spot.

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End Not Our Lives This Coming Day

Each of those beams would be trained on an incoming kinetic slug, intent on striking it with enough concentrated energy to burn its mass up completely before impact.

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