Chapter 9: A Slight Change of Plans

With everything out in the open, things are calm now as the front door opens and in comes kuroi and kuro.

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My World of Pain (CH 1)

"kuro... nanashi kuro" "kuro-san and this is where you will be living." i stared at her for a brief moment. then i walked up to her for a brief moment and poked. " lady are you out of your fucking mind.

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Their Beating Hearts

kuro!" she jogged after him. "kuro, wait, it's me!" her good mood was ruined as he seemed to ignore her and keep walking. that wasn't the case she soon found out as he suddenly collapsed to the ground.

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Twin Schools Chapter 7 Part 2

Kiyone and kuro did the same thing, pulling off their condoms and tying them off. kiyone helped kuro with hers, as the younger child was inexperienced with the rubber.

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To Dream of Darkness III - Ch 43

"but what of the real ichitama and kuro?" ichitama asked. "what if we meet someone who knows them? or if we meet them ourselves?" "sad to say, the real ichitama and kuro died in a fire before we met you.

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That most important choice

I say to kuro, he does as asked and goes to wake my shuichi with licks in the face. growls exit shuichi's mouth as kuro continues his licking, then a long annoyed sigh.

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Schande's Story-Chapter 12

kuro: "schande, are you in here?" frank: "like he's really gonna answer." schande: "guys, i'm over here!" kuro (looking at frank): "you can work on that carefully worded apology now!" they rushed over to where schande's voice eminated from.

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Chapter 5: Shopping is Awkward

Getting out, kuro jumps out ahead of kouji, with shuichi waiting for kuro to go over and try to sniff kuroi or hikari who are parked beside them. kuro sits, nicely waiting for kouji to unbuckle himself from the car and get out.

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Chapter 4: It's Not a Question of When, But of What

Kouji and kuro are already in the car." i say with a little annoyance, getting into the front passenger side of hikari's car. kouji, sitting in shuichi's car, has kuro taking up the entire back row.

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Digimon N3RA -Memories- Chapter 3

kuro answered. pyro was the name of the agumon he had ingame. "he already ate half my noodle supply, still wants more." kuro complained. "what did he tell you?" "a lot of stuff.

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Mysterious Stranger

"i see that you havent let your skills rust kuro." flint replied after rcovering. " youve taken something that deosnt belong to you." kuro said.

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Chapter 5: Blooming revealing feelings

At the door kuro popping his head through the partly closed door, a looking of confusion of poor kuro's muzzle, as if questioning: "where am i sleeping?"? a?

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