Smart Poisons - 4 - Cleanliness

"Well Aya, hun, we have a little bit of bad news..." Rower spoke over the intercom, "As it turns out, your... 'little soldiers' aren't so good at fighting battles. Actually, you're completely sterile. You could plant your seed in a million women and it...

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Smart Poisons - 2 - Birthday

"Good morning Aya, rise and shine!" The husky seemed amazingly perky for being up so early. Kaze had never been an early bird. He settled for the soggy worm. He rubbed his eyes, slowly sitting up, looking to the husky, "I forgot to introduce myself...

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The Upgraded Wolf: Chapter Four

His head had a greater degree of freedom than any previous procedure but with out the ability to turn his shoulders it was still rather limited. as he looked around he saw several doctors in white laboratory coats moving about.

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The Upgraded Wolf: Chapter Three

We should let our patient get plenty of rest and nutrients before begin the facial procedures." alec nodded in agreement and began typing out the new and revised schedule to the appropriate personnel.

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The Upgraded Wolf: Chapter Two

Alec groaned and wiped the sleep out of his eyes as he sat up slowly. He was still in his business suit, though it was considerably more wrinkled from him sleeping in it. He stood, and felt the cold tile floor on his feet. He winced slightly and walked...

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Kale and Ruby

"What?" you ask, as you look over to see me staring at the building in front of us with something akin to terror in my grayish-blue eyes. There's nothing imposing about the three story building. The immaculate shrubbery and flowers leading up to the...

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Natural Science- Hyperspace

"So you see class, the entire universe is composed like a gigantic machine made up of interlocking wheels. All the events of this universe are governed by laws of physics- Buddha called these immutable, unchanging laws 'Dharmakaya' and he also believed...

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Tina's Story Chapter 55 SNIP! SNIP!

It was two weeks before ray's procedure was scheduled. the morning of the procedure, ray wasn't himself. as they got into the car for the outpatient operation, he looked upset. "what's the matter, hon?"

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Zachary's Report - Chapter 2 - The Exam

Zachary's Report A Short Serial by O. Pawsome WARNING: The following story contains scenes of explicit sex between consenting adult and/or underage characters. If you find these concepts offensive, or are not of legal age to view sexually...

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New Vet in Town

New Vet in town. And he has a hidden agenda. The big Clydesdale stallion and his three son's had come in from working in the fields. To have their lunch, and say eating quietly. When he had finished Cameron...

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Esnovelotoris Amateuris

**Disclaimer: I don't own the Thundercats, I don't profit by this in any way, shape or form. This is written simply for my own, personal (disturbed?) amusement. (Applies for all chapters!)** **ESNOVELOTORIS AMATEURIS** _(The...

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DISCLAIMER: The authour makes no pretense of making a faithful representation of psychiatric medicine. Also, the ACS series is inspired by the SCP Foundation. Girls will be boys and boys will be girls It's a mixed-up, muddled-up, shook-up...

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