Dragon Ranch: Grooming Time

The two seemed awfully close with each other, with the yellowtail sometimes vying for attention along with relia: an aggressive black crested sabel that had somehow, beyond all logic, also grown to appreciate the wide-eyed and inexperienced dragon handler.

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"have sabel get to the shuttlebay and prepare the vostok. tell him to be ready for an eva if we have to rescue the_tempest_ and her crew. can you coordinate that, dave?" "sure thing." "good."

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" _...a tribe of pre-industrial aliens who thought sabel thorsen was a god. a living spaceship older than recorded history_. "well, you're planning on sticking around, aren't you?" "until i'm given new orders, sure." she felt, oddly, reassured.

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Dragon Ranch: Three's a Crowd

How's my favorite black crested sabel today?" the dragon licked his hand affectionately. "listen, i got a present for you... a new toy." relia's normally stern-looking red eyes opened wider and focused on kyle at the word "toy".

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