The Convoy

The crowning piece of the group of vehicles was heavier than the apcs, but it was not a tank. it was bulkier, and had six wheels. it also bore the same symbol as the trucks. the vehicle was an infantry fighting vehicle, or ifv for short.

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D.E1 Chapter 28 Desecrated Freedom

Soon, the vehicle was again parked in front of them. "change your mind again, and this is over..." feastus gave his last warning, while he entered the vehicle. the retcans followed him.

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Ablaze Ch.16: Battle of Senchen (13)

The gray wolf then quickly spots a parosanan armored fighting vehicle partially hidden behind the burning manta-80s. it isn't just any armored fighting vehicle, but a paro main battle tank.

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Rudys Journey chapter 3

It was like the middle of the day and he saw the vehicle in detail. yuna and rosin showed him every vehicle the canines and felines used.

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Disintegration: Chapter 6

"ishtar wants the vehicle to move towards our objective. humans are heavily guarding it, and the vehicle should be able to take the brunt of their firepower with minimal issues. does she make that clear?" "she does." answered the driver.

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Jeremy 088; Many Miles Away

As they traveled jeremy noticed that vehicles pulled over to make way for the exceptionally large vehicle. jeremy observed the reflections of flashing lights in the windows of vehicles they passed.


The Sands of Sorrow

The vehicle he was riding in was a daimler-benz armored reconnaissance car or scout car, a long, narrow vehicle that rode high up off the ground on its four large wheels.

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A new life.

Maybe somehow run the computer programming on this vehicle and some how get me back to earth." he said to himself as the vehicle entered the atmosphere. minutes later the vehicle landed, eric walked down the ramp sighing.

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End of an Era. Sorry humans, you're planet has just been sold.

His laughter didn't last long as one of the invaders smaller vehicles buzzed the two vehicles. a red light stuck the newer vehicle, the vehicle stalled slowing and the brakes locked up causing it to go out of control.

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Windows to the Soul - chap. 7-8 - by Skyfox

They each carry smaller numbers of their people, approximately five hundred per vehicle. "the vehicle in the middle is the most dangerous. its primary purpose is weaponry.

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