Life as an Elite part 2

I was sleeping well until Kholo came and woke me up. "Shadey... Shadey wake up." I woke up to his voice. "What is it Kholo. I'm trying to sleep." Kholo grunted. "Shadey they're coming. The Elites that messed with you yesterday. They're on their...

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Your old friends.

Even as we grew up, maybe we didn't use them as often, but we still had a friend we could always turn to. those "teddy bears" were our closest friends and we could always count on them.

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Love of my Second World Life Chapter 11

Kantagin then said, "i believe you have made a perfect print for the office that navaja will be needing friend herod. anyone who is friends to my clan members is a friend to me as well.

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Fierce 6. In Pursuit of Life

"you don't know about your friends?" "no! what about my friends?" "markus, please take a seat." i grabbed a chair hurriedly and slumped into it. "about five days ago, your friends were-" he paused and bit his fist.

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HIM and I

But, here's a story about imaginary friends. sometimes, they aren't so imaginary. (i'm sorry if this story's scatter-brained but it fits along the lines of the main character being insane, right?

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Friend In Need of Help

If you have any friends that are interested, please boost the signal.

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it could happen,,, part 2

You seem to forget that the traveler was from the future, and your one friends scent is identical to that of his." "my one friend... a jumper?

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When friends are realized

I awoke to the insistent pinging, not so unlike the pinging of a alarm clock. Like at home, I swung my hand to slap my alarm clock. \*Crap, sounds like something broke.\* Broke? How could something have broken when all I have on that desk is a alarm...

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With Arms Wide Open. Ch,1

I am a little eager to find out what my friend was talking about. kyle is sort of a spas, he is a very hyper fox. me, i am hyper to, but i matured a little faster than my friend.

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Part one_ Days of winter

That's why i hate spider theyre creepy and crawly and stare at you with red eyes" i giggled at my ottragon friend as he freaked out, while playing mine craft.

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Braxburry Woods

PrologueDream great DreamsBut be warnedAll dreams come to an endSuch are the laws of this wood With a nod, a large blue Dragontaur placed down his hammer and chisel to look over his handywork. A large, stone plaque rested before him, carefully placed...

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Poem - Insanity

Insanity, something you cannot deny, An infinite feeling of restlessness. Insanity, something no-one will decline, Makes your life directionless. Have you gone insane? Will I see the old you again? What is this monster you became? Did I lose one...

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