streetwolf cronicals chapter 2 {full chapterwith some fixes}

Hafe way down the road he began to notice the sign of several houses and trailers torn up blood outside all the signs of a massacre brought about by zombies. Keeping alert he proceeded down the road till coming to his street noticing the vehicles were...

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A Cold Snap and a Hot Snap (M/M story) (fixed)

Cold Snap, Hot Snap By Tay Jaguar I watched from my bedroom window as thick, fluffy flakes fell scattered in the green grass. "Winter's finally here..." I thought to myself. That was this morning, and it just kept going all day. A couple...

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Burying Bones Chapter 13: Can't Fix What's Broken

That evening, Saki sleeps fitfully, her dreams plagued with nightmares about her mate and the father of her unborn kits. _"So close, so very close." The grunted words startle Saki from her sleep. On top of her, rutting her with no care for her...

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Badger seeks to fix it (Ferret and Badger part 4) (Otherwise Untitled)

~ Death glared down at the badger who's space suit had seen many better days. Various fluids were leaking from various slashes and punctures, some of which she presumed to be blood of the living. The badger glared right back up as the gryphon loomed...

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Callie Briggs' Sexy July

But she had no idea who she'd fix it with. she pondered the question as she drove her car across a dirt road. suddenly she goes over a rock and her car shakes briefly before going over a pothole.

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If you really felt that bad you would get up and do something to fix it. and if you couldn't fix it then at least you would have the satisfaction of knowing you did more then just stand there watching it happen. i don't want to feel shame.

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Text to speech program

I'll fix it if i every figure it out, but otherwise it seems to work. thanks to glycanthrope for the suggestions.

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Flight of Fancy

"i can fix it so no one ever hurts you again". "what are you gonna do?", she asked, anxious, but already suspecting. "you needn't concern yourself with details. leave that up to me: i will fix it after the ways of my kind..."

The Beast Inside Chapter 1

"you fixed it? you... actually fixed it?" i spun my attention back to veronica. she was genuinely surprised. unexpected... still. must not be finished. need to continue work. "that means we can go for drinks! c'mon, let's go!" but-oh, whatever.

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It Was Just a Legend

What if it wanted his grandfather to fix it?! it couldn't know that his grandfather wouldn't know how to fix it after all! it could only assume that if the mare hadn't known how to fix it, then the stallion would!

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Introduction: Fateful Evening

His mind raced with all the things that could have just caused the sudden problem and how on earth he was going to fix it.

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Rise of Evil: Chapter 2

Armotores looks at it and begins to fix it again saying "careful shadow, you don't know how to control it yet, you better train with me first before you try anything else."

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