A Synthetic Solution to Loyalty
The arctic wolf didn't have time to ask any of them however as they were brought to another room, this one like a grand ballroom that was completely empty save for more rubber creatures.
A Surprise Competition
Meanwhile back in renzyl's realm he and chrono finished waving off the nanite dragon before looking at one another, then back at the horde of rubber creatures that they had created.
Spreading the Shine (2/2)
As the fox got dressed himself he realized that he also felt the same way about himself, feeling that wonderful rubber creature just underneath his skin as he placed a hand against his groin.
[Serathin] Out From the Rain (Chapter 1)
Though the situation was surreal, teryx found it unusually appealing to have the rubber creature controlling his body, giving him a form to use even if it had been unexpectedly taken.
An Unexpected Diversion
"i didn't think rubber creatures would need to eat in all honesty," ryan admitted. "well you are technically not a rubber creature," scythe explained as he smirked at him slyly.
Snakeskin Redux 4
As soon as he did however the two briefly saw the human's eyes widen before the rubber creature wrapped his wing arms around him.
Invitation Plus One
With the black rubber creature completely secured negadrake wiggled a little bit to test his bonds and found that they were quite secure.
Safe Harbor (3/3)
"what if i want to keep this form too, and keep doing things here as a rubber creature. i guess what i'm asking is... would it be possible for me to stay here?"
Internship Program Complete
As they walked neither noticed the rubber creature that was silently watching them, ash watching the progress of his protégé...
Joining Forces, P2
Edited by texotic when they reached the dairy processing plant they found it completely infested with rubber creatures.
An Oily Beach
He was the goo now, and with his progenitor's help he would be able to be a good rubber creature to aid in their spread.
Rubber Recruitment (2/2)
The three rubber creatures continued that way for a while until all of them were satisfied multiple times.