The party! [PART 6]

He had lied down and was just confused. "im just gonna do what he said." he thought, cuddling up in the bed.

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Good Company

Growling in approval he lies down next to me. i scratch the side of his torso, pushing playfully at his chest. he rolls over on to his back, exposing his soft belly for a rub.

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Dogman Side Story

I walk over and lie down on one of my couches ‘why does she have to bother me, why can't she go and bother some other government assassin.

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Forever Legendary Ch.2 - The Legendary Darkrai

Pikablu said while lying down on the floor, "and if you happen to come across darkrai and beat it up while you're in there, our mission will be a success!" "i'm just feeling a bit tired..." kabutops said while also lying down on the floor, "...

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Shifter time

Jake consumed the white fluid as best as he could, and lied down exhausted, trembling and still aroused. the lion shifter looked down on him from his high vintage point, then yawned, and lied down.

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A Tale of Two Lovers Chapter 2 sneek peek

Howl was exited to see his lover again but was surprised when he lied down on his lap and pulled him close and gave him a long and wet kiss he could feel jamie's hot and succulent lips press against his.

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Falling for a lioness 2 Revenge of the fallen part 20

I lying down next to zira, cuddling her large head,which zira let out a soft purr. though i was sure if simba tried to do anything to me ,zira and nala would put a stop to it.

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Falling for a lioness 2 Revenge of the fallen part 18

As he lied down to the cub levels. †you know even ,kings can get scared. †simba told his cubs ,who looked surprise, at the tone of there father. †and queens too.†shingi add into the talk ,as she lied down nuzzling her mate,who purred happily.

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Club, Sunrise

Out beyond all those lights, you can lie down in the grass and look up at the stars. watch to see which ones are real and which ones are just pretendin'." "satellites?"

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Random Life Event

"please lie down sir." he lies down and i get to work, shaving off some of the hair that's in the way. "so, i'm guessing military?" i ask him. he looks at me surprised. "how did you know?" "lucky guess.

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Pasiphaë's Seduction

He lies down beside her. presses his huge, whitefurred body against hers. she buries her face in his side and weeps. he lies his head across her back, holding her close to him.

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