What Goes Better with Magic than a Rabbit?

"i'm gonna spend the afternoon studying up, but then can i invite everyone over for a magic show?" she put on her widest eyes, sweet and innocent up at her mother.

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Presto - Chapter 1

This job, doing small magic shows to hawk junk food, would be the first step on the road to living the dream; being accepted and supporting himself as a performer.

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Where Dragons Rule: Rebirth Chapter 13

He lost everything and you magically show up after all these years and think i owe you anything?" aeris exhaled slowly and stepped forward. she had only one shot at this; if she chose her words poorly, she failed sareen. that couldn't happen.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 10

She asked, "how ket somehow magically showed up with enough tickets for me to get my bunny?" "now that you mention it, i kinda do. that was real nice of him, wasn't it?" "yeah..."

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Moogle Springs

His body was slim, nothing out of the normal apart from his hands, who were expert in the arts of black magic, showing small marks of the spells he cast during his life.

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The Magician 1

My show was not your typical magic show, it was r-rated.

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Inside of me right now! - Part I

It was like a magic show where someone had swallowed a sword and gulped it up again! i had not noticed how flexible my cock had been to follow the curve of her throat and body. now, it sprung back to its hard glory.

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A tail of magic and mystery chapter fifteen

"we are going to put on a magic show for all the kids in the orphanage and you are going to be the star of the show." so i prepare for the show for the three dozen kids and for my first act, off comes my head.

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Grand Duel Academy: Chapter 3

Hudson: no magic show is complete without the classic switcheroo. and this one allows me to deal the damage you would have hit me with right back to you! fire!!

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Remedy, a story of Aligare (Chapter 6)

A cursory check - touching each stone and making contact with its cached magic - showed rose a supply of four brightcasting stones and five darkcasting, all aptly charged. more than enough for pain relief.

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Tauren Tale, Chapter 2

Jorga sighed, disappointed that the magic show was at an end. * * * "theodore!" sanja called, "hello? are you out there?" "theodore!" the boys called too. sanja walked slowly and kept her eyes to the ground, looking for signs of blood.

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