Chapter 19 -- Inquiry

--- Inquiry Dro's shuttle had cleared the atmosphere and was not yet half way to the planetary ring, when his destination became visible to the naked eye. The Nyth Tylluan had parked itself half way between the ring and...

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The Cat's Stroll 27

**Chapter 27: The Training for the Duel** * * * If he wasn't mistaken, Min Lao was currently somewhere in the Heavenly Root Realm. Kyu Cao didn't know exactly how difficult it was to go from the Earthly Warrior Real to the Heavenly Root Real, but...

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The Cat's Stroll 25

**Chapter 25: Strange Lightning Seed** * * * "Hmph!" A loud and irritated harrumph sounded in the otherwise quiet room. Against his younger brother's tantrum, Bon Gongwei felt completely helpless. Since he had indeed decided to interfere without...

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The Cat's Stroll 17

**Chapter 17: Spirit Herb Again** * * * In the area of the Backdoor's Forest's first ring, a figure could be seen running between the ancient trees, with a few others following. The figure at front was a male cat with orange and cream fur, donning...

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One at a Time (Kidnap/Rape/Knot)

'It was a dark an'- Scratch, scratch, scratch 'A long, long time a-' Scratch, scratch. ap....tap...tappity-tap......SNAP! "Dammit Dream...why can't I figure out how to freaking start this damned story?" The wolf asks, looking back...

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Old Story ~ Pen Pals

_What if he doesn't like me?_ She mused to herself. Her little paws twisting the hem of her light purple blouse, she looked in the airplane bathroom mirror, her big wide gray eyes looked back, her black whiskers twitched, and her short black curls...

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"Daggers of Darkness" - Epilogue

# Epilogue In due time, full diplomatic and trade relations were established between the Sol Federation of Worlds and the Mûr Tua'ansa Star Empire, along with the formation of an alliance between the two governments. With trade came a sharing of...

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"Daggers of Darkness" - Part 12

# Part 12 The day of departure had arrived, and among the huge crowd that had gathered to see the three_Spirit_-class long-range scout ships lift, was the crew of the _Chel-Sar Se'nika_, Zhir-Chi'an's family, the First Attendant Lady Niwa-Ele'ana, and...

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"Family Tails" - Chapter 38

# Chapter 38 Cormac and Iluq had their paws full dealing with five little ones at once. It was a little better once they got their own house built not far from his mom and dad's, and Holly was a big help being nanny and helping with the chores. Little...

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Excerpt from Chapter 2 of Guardian Angel

Slowly I glanced behind us as Luna crouched down growling. I saw what was left of a stop sign and picked it up getting ready for the worst. Suddenly a beast with nine limbs burst out of the bushes. It stood about ten feet tall, had eight, claw like...

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Through Hell and Back: Chapter 1: Boot Camp

Chapter 1: Boot Camp " Hey Rudy," called Deiter. "Sarge wants us to run the obstacle course before we head over to weapons training." "Ah, crap," I replied. I slowly got up from from my bunk. I hated that course. "The mud always gets into my fur and...

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SOA Special: Sheeplikeapples

Sands Of Acaran - Special Episode: Sheeplikeapples A truly lucky day for each and every royal guard it would be. The renown guests from furthest reaches of the empire went back towards their respective provinces, leaving the palace nearly empty...

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