The Pride - Chapter 1

His vision was blurry but he could make out the street lights from the road and despite the pain and with no rational thought he dragged himself towards them.

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The Consequences

He forgot all rational thought and he dove in to attack. ichy, unfazed, took into flight. "you wanna mess with me, kid?" "you eat my uncle! now you pay!" ichy smiled. "bring it on...

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So This Is What Existence Is Like: A Tentacle Autobiography

There seemed to be no more rational thought left in his mind, though at the time we thought this was perfectly normal. then another idea bubbled to the surface, not a word, not an image, just a vague idea, a need for more inside of him.

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The pheromones were making his head spin, and pleasure it gave began to overtake all rational thought. he could kind of hear the arcanine say something outside his chamber, but it was of no concern to him anymore.

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The Great Equalizer (1/3)

Even though his brain was screaming at him that something very real was wrong with him the lust continued to build in him and drown his rational thought.

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Ander - Chapter 3, Subchapter 28

No, this thing he was feeling now, this thing draining him of all rational thought - it wasn't like the time he was forced to plunge an arrow into his brother's eye. that action was borne out of a need to protect, but this...

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10 Ton Orgy - Rose and Crystal

rational thought disappeared, only to be replaced by pure, undiluted lust.

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Mother or stud

Its bizarreness helped him deal with it, in a way; there was such a difficulty in processing it that most rational thought was blocked.

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Love My Daddy: The Dare

Now as he looked at the she-wolf in position, all rational thought left desert's mind. he jumped on top of her, causing xahn to yip in shock. he took a firm hold on her scruff, growling as he slammed his shaft back into her dripping wet warmth.

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Chapter 7: Of Fox and Wolf

"it seems a little far fetched to be believable but given the situation, rational thought flew right out the window." "regardless of what you think, the truth-" stone said, pointing to the outside of the tent.

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The Morica - Prologue: The dawn of time.

Drekmor bestowed the gift of intelligence to them, the gift of speech, of rational thought, of emotion.

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