JY 2 - Talk about a surprise!

Venn woke slowly, stretching languidly in his large bed and staring up at the still dark and slightly overcast sky. Yawning, he rolled onto his side and sat up on the edge of the bed. He sat there for a few moments, elbows resting on his knees, head...

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SY 13 - Tsunami

Coming home after another exhausting swim practice, Kris found the door unlocked. His paw still on the doorknob, he took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves. It would be so much easier if he could just walk away, or go visit a friend, anything but...

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JY 4 - Territorial

Venn pushed the door open with his foot, juggling the four bags of groceries he was carrying. "Hey, Kris, can you lend me a hand here?" His words echoed in the empty house. "Kris?" He glanced at the still-open door to Kris's room. The raccoon should be...

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Rebirth 2

"Charles! Maria! It's about time you got here!" Edmund yelled from across the crowded room where he was waving to get their attention. He was standing behind a diminutive feline with markings that made her look like an oddly shaped raccoon. "Come on, I...

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Delilah VanHorn was what some might describe as petite. She was no more than 4 foot tall, slender, waiflike. She had gorgeous auburn hair that fell down to the middle of her back and accentuated her reddish gray fur beautifully. She was always...

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Grinding your Gears - Commission for Tamarack

It was a cool night, just on the cusp between spring and summer, the kind of night that begged him to find someone to race. He was sitting at a stop light, idly revving the engine, when a black Charger pulled up behind him. It was late enough that he...

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Freshman Year: Chapter 3 - Girly Mags? WTF?

Chapter 3 - Girly Mags WTF!? Sliding his key in the lock gave him a horrible foreboding feeling. His Dad's car was in the parking lot so why was the door locked at all? The last time this had happened was when he'd had that skunk woman over and was...

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Freshman Year: Chapter 4 A Little too Far

Chapter 4 - A Little too Far "Hey!" A girl's voice rang out over the general din in the crowded hallway. "Hey Kris, wait up!" Several students made protesting sounds as someone pushed their way through the tightly packed bodies in his direction. Kris...

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SY 09 - Dinner and a show

About forty-five minutes later the doorbell rang. When Venn answered it, he found his arms full of overly excited raccoon. "Sorry, honey, traffic was hellish!" Those agile little fingers slid into his mane, and he found himself being expertly...

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Lyris and Lyal's Lulliby

All night, all day. Angels watching over me, my Lord. All night, all day. Angels watching over me. Sun is a-setting in the West; Angels watching over me, my Lord. Sleep my child, take your rest; Angels watching over me. All night, all day....

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SY 08 - House Guests

The doorbell rang. Venn set down the basket of laundry he was taking to the loft at the foot of the stairs, looked at the time, and headed for the door. He had to pick up his sister and Gareth at the airport in a few minutes, so whoever it was at the...

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SY 07 - The Interview

"When we spoke before, you mentioned that some bad stuff happened last year. Would you tell me what happened?" Tristan tried to keep his voice even and his body relaxed, just to make the boy feel more comfortable, but if the reports on this young man...

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