Wasteland Survivor - Inspiration - ch24

I woke groggily, expecting my mind to be smashed from a hangover, surprisingly it was clear. Then the action of the previous night rolled back into my mind and I stretched that mind out, feeling Drathnial at my back and Brathnian laying twined and...

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Wasteland Survivor - Acquisition - ch25

"So why do we have to patrol all of a sudden? I thought this was soldier work?" Lylianna muttered, tightening her combat gear. I sighed, "We have a lot of groups out doing things for other races, building diplomatic ties and stuff, not enough...

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Wasteland Survivor – Regaining life - ch26

"... and that's when your patrol found me." The soldier told us, finishing his oral debriefing, "The rest of it, along with the finer details, is in the written report I prepared." He finished, handing us a folder holding a mass of binder...

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Wasteland Survivor – Training and consequences - ch27

Ok, you have all been good, here is some nice happy yiff, enjoy. * * * At some point in my quiet prayer the Sergeant had left me alone. I regained my feet looking around, a new wonder had filled me and I needed some further time alone to think about...

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Wasteland Survivor – The calm - ch32

She wasn't natural, she most certainly wasn't a fox, she was a demon. The way she taught me to move, to hold to punch, moves that could never be used in a spar fight, they could only be used to kill. She told me to use them all on her, to come...

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I lived almost in a daze, I woke, went to the yard, did some exercise to keep my muscle tone up, I had my shower, I returned to my cell to read.   My world was at peace. During the days I managed to blot out the cries, the whimpers, the smells. The...

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Wasteland Survivor – The hammer - ch31

"Are they in position?" I snarled at the male, causing him to cower back delightfully. He bowed low, scraping his forehead on the ground, "Yes High Priestess, all the vermin we could gather are in position, ready to strike." He...

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The back alley

Ok, someone asked for this in forums, I guess I had it in me to write it, enjoy it or not, the tags are accurate, this is NOT A NICE STORY! I don't know how I let Lyn talk me into this, "Why are we doing this again?" I asked the dark coloured...

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Wasteland Survivor – Culmination - ch30

"And that's why I want you to teach me women's magic grandmother." I told the older Kitsune gravely. "In all our history, males have held the power of destruction and women have held the power of growing, healing and protection. Our old ways...

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Wasteland Survivor – Development - ch29

After my breakfast with the Sergeant I had to meet with Jennings, she had to tell me the points 'the pack' had been running, someone needed to finish out their patrol. "Fox, just the person I wanted to see, step inside." The General...

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Wasteland Survivor – Building skills - ch28

Note, most of this is not interactions, it can be skimmed over if you want, just read the last bit. For those that are interested, this is (as far as I can research) accurate of the five weeks spent in sniper training, enjoy :) * * * That first...

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A day of Rust - Revised introduction

I tilted my head up to the rain, it felt good coursing down my back, through my spines. I resumed my walk, doing my usual wander to 'the next bar', it was a nice night for a walk. "No, please, I-" A woman's voice pleaded from the alley just...

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