Dimension 67 Volume 1 Synopsis WIP

Roger draco is a troubled & rough, but compassionate & friendly to those who are not vandals or bigots. vandals & bigots caused him much emotional agony & ptsd, which is alluded to throughout the story.

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05 Jake and Mitch: Celebration

Jake had a look of concern on his face but inside he was relieved to have that bigot of a wolf taken away from him. from that day on, jeremy 'fang' pearson would never be seen out of a wheelchair.

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Inhuman characters reference [updated: 06/03/10]

This shaped him into a rigid and military-oriented young lad, though his personality suffered for it, becoming, not exactly a bad person by any stretch, but a bit of a bigoted jerk to people.

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Spa Time

bigots be damned. he'd given up too much with her because of them he wasn't giving any more. and his job? no hell to pay could matter because hell couldn't take this moment from him now. his hand caressed her bare neck.

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Project FURROUT 4 (Read-n-Vote)

Most of the two are just massive, plump bigots with fat bellies and rifles anyway... slow... smooth... meaty... delicious... right? so yeah.

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He Doesn't Love You (unfinished)

bigots, they would just have to live with the sight. for april, snow was rare but not unheard of, and it dusted the street just lightly enough to be noticeable without actually sticking to the ground.

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Dawn of Chaos Pt 3

He took the form of a man like a marble statue, and generally became a bigot as many holy figures do. for obvious reasons the two didn't get along and followers of the faiths clashed quite regularly although usually quietly.

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Noir: Vivir Soñando

Ella se mordía el labio inferior mientras que el se lamia los bigotes las amigas de ella se quedaron atónitas y en silencio mientras que los dos jóvenes se acercaban el uno al otro, en un sexy tango de atracción y lujuria el pasaba sus mirada por todas

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Crónicas de la Frontera: Capítulo VII

-bigotes... -murmuró el joven, para sí, mientras continuaba observando sus ojos con atención. parecía ligeramente fascinado con ellos.

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Sym... and subtle signs

Sym shook his head, not wanting to think about gerald... that bigot prick of an avian. raul looked down at his wrist-watch and smiled, "heeey... it's my lunch break! wanna go have some fun, lover?"

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Billy the Kid

Anyone in that situation, dealing with a coarse, misogynist bigot would have been compelled to do the same thing as billy did.

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Meet the Studs: Alabaster, the Lion of dark muscle and grey matter

He could be speaking to someone covered in blood and gore and bawling their eyes out, or to an insufferable codger screaming into his face with indiscriminate, bigoted rage, and he'd just wear that same cordial smile and use that same understanding tone of

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