Slag ND7 : Zombie Bite

The room had a classic kindergarten design, a dark blue on the ceiling and upper walls, green everywhere else, with flower, birds, clouds, ladybugs, and stars scattered around on top of the two colors.

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Time Regresses

Why did she look as young as she did when i was in kindergarten? i decided not to bring this up, since she seemed to be happy. she saw me and smiled."afternoon, sleepy head." she greeted."how long was i asleep?"

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Student Exchange

You head inside your dorm and i'll get your schedule set up for your first day of magic kindergarten!" "but! but!" yang tried to object but the dragon had already left.

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Moogles In Training

And so he's going to make them go back to moogle kindergarten to learn how to do this properly!

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Children of the Night

We went to kindergarten together..."i was sent by our leader to keep an eye on you...and i failed," she said letting out a sigh. "listen winter. have you heard of the children of the night?" i nod my head, "yeah, but isn't that an old pony's tale?"

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So, after spending the afternoon riding around the playground track at pop kelly elementary with the rest of the kindergarten classes, jake had finally come up with a way to play mario kart without playing on television.

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Winners and Losers

They were a married fox couple claiming to be best friends with the winner, and the husband wouldn't stop bringing up their fucking friendship and how he's known him since they were in kindergarten. except, he mixed up his first and last name.

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Competitive Spirit [Fox and Falco TF/TG]

From kindergarten to graduation from high school they were together almost inseparable from each other. they were often mistaken for sisters with how much time they spent together. even their parents knew each other.

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Young Love

Stop treating me like im in kindergarten." his mother giggled a bit "oh ok sweety." his mother placed before him a plate of the following: two eggs, bacon and some sausage. as for a drink he was given orange juice.

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Same old morning

Tom was james' best friends, they'd known each other since kindergarten, had the same birthday and only lived two miles apart. they knew everything there was to know about each other, except one little secret......


Kitty Ch. 4

Then we can talk this out before i have to drive kitty to kindergarten." jessica accepted, and was soon over at kira`s place about half an hour later, kira met her at the door and gave her a hug. "come on in sweetie, breakfast is ready.

Chapter Four: The Crow's Nest

Ever since we were in kindergarten and you beat up billy winters for spitting on modest, i've liked you. it's part of why i became friends with her." she turned him to face her.

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