That Tingling Sensation

Guess marge didn't trust the male opinion today...after all, it had been crystal who fixed the _for dummies_ shelf with marge's pink screwdriver and with marge's supervision and purring approval.

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The Simpson’s: how Lisa got a horse

marge lays on the bench moaning as the last shock of orgasm fade from her pussy and feels cum run from it pool under her ass.

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Aisle Six

marge ruffled the back of her neck and snuffled. "kids these days, what's happening to the spoken language?" she complained. "hey, marge!" ohhh...this was too good.

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Office Workload

The little fox just wish he'd thought of it before marge had.

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Epilogue (Kreet 85)

"kallid," marge said behind him. "i'm going to my mother's house with my sister tomorrow." he turned around and nodded. she knelt down and he accepted her hug. "i'm sorry it turned out this way, marge.

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Cathedral - Kreet 70

It was agreed on and both marge and june headed out to buy paint, bickering all the way but in a way that only long acquaintance allows. "did you ask marge about staying on?" kallid asked. "yeah.

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Plan Rory From Outer Space

marge purred and flicked her ears while smiling broadly.

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Broken Steed

marge tightened her grip on her sword, watching the darkness behind the doors. the soft moonlight illuminated a few feet of stone, but showed her nothing at all.

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Week No End

marge giggled and flicked her ears at me. "cheers, starbuck," i flicked my ear at her in return. marge's ears made somersaults. "starbuck?" the cougar smirked. "nahh, she's a drunken biatch." i chuckled at marge's savvy response.

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Bored At Work

marge rumbled, as she gave yet another look at the clock, now showing that it was five past four in the afternoon. "maybe he missed the bus," crystal offered. marge scratched her chin. "maybe," she said.

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Lisa's weekend, part 1

Lisa said and marge capitulated. marge then took her book, turned off the lamp she had been using. then, no sooner after her mom had left, lisa went to her room and called for santa's little helper to follow her.

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