The great war (Part 2)

A marine was firing a 93r at the enemy,and that's when a helicopter flew over and dropped a few crates filled with guns,ammo,and gear. "thank god." leo muttered as marines brought in all the crates.

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Fluffybutt Prose Poem: Hugo

Take a dip in the Shynimeron sea, and chances are, you'll encounter Hugo, a shark not so much interested in munching on intruders than partying all summer long with his fellow inflatable friends. Beach balls fly and surfboards sail when the Shynimeron...

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Zootopia: First Salvo Chapter 16

Zootopia has two branches of service, the navy and the fleet marine force (zfmf) the fleet marines have the "grunts" and the "raiders" who are "wolf-centric", the marine artillery corps which is bunny-heavy with some foxes and the recon marines who are like

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Launching into Stars - By Danath

Crew quarters for the marines were on the lower levels. the navy, which actually ran the ship, were on the upper decks. recruits were bunked in with a more experienced marine, who would act as their mentor for the duration of their first posting.

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Shadow of Brooklyn - Preview Ukrainian War Intro

It led to his sergeant's death and the death of four other marines. the soviets were fond of catching americans in a tight alley or street where cover really wasn't an option.

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Depth of Darkness

One of his co-workers is a former marine, he had told me on the way to the bar. you might find it strange that i perked up at the news.

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Torpedo Run Chapter 9

A few seconds later, marines exited the theater in an orderly swarm, splitting up by vehicle.

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Deathwatch: Unpublished Fiction (FUNNY VERSION)

A hulking figure of space marine is dodging enemy fire in and out of cover in the streets. rays of light from the sun pierce through the clouds, giving me a clear view of the marine's chapter symbol at his right pauldron on his shoulder.

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Zootopia: First Salvo Chapter 18

"welcome to fleet marine recruiting depot savanna, fleet marine base quanaco savanna central! i am corporal "new moon" but to all of you, i am sir! you will not speak unless spoken to!

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World war VI

When a cargo boat carrying 50 men and 100 guns came through Toronto this is the story. # Looks like we will be missing karaoke joked sargint Mack joked everyone laughed at his joke when they got to the island there was lots of shooting rpg derek...

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Zootopia: First Salvo 15

You are not joining the marines! do you hear me alexander? you are not joining the marines!" grace yelled and cried before flying up the stairs to the bedroom with alex chasing after her.... "mom! mom wait! mom!"

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Ancient Mariner Part 1

#1 of the ancint mariner be so great. also i am a first time writer so this will be my first story ever!! so i hope you enjoy and pleas no hate mail thx!! enjoy!!

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