Rej & Bastion 04: Float On

"she'll meet us there and i'll ride with you two." "okay." i nod, "what are ableskeevers?" i want to know.

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He took off, flying towards the center of the great valley where the meetings were held. the swimmer climbed to her feet, stretching out her limbs, and yawned. "better follow him." ducky took off running after petrie.

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Judgment of Two Worlds

This meeting won't take very long, thank you." a tall grey fox instructed standing up. he had these strange green eyes that peered into one's own spirit, it was unnerving. though i stood my ground he could see i was concerned but, unafraid of him.

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Guardians and Tribunals

I can assure you we are of no relation to each other though your mother and i did meet once. before she vanished from the world for some strange reason.

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Motherly Tests and Trials

Seeing the fury building in Kyuri's eyes I had to do something before things got out of hand. "Why, don't we take this back to the house as not to ruin the celebration. After all its bad manners to argue during a wedding reception party, so shall we."...

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Promise of the Mark

Remember i'll always be with you in spirit till me meet again my son. i love you." she said as her body began to dissipate. as she faded away a single tear rolled down her cheek and fell to the floor.

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A Meeting

'and he said to me, that i was to tell you how thankful he was to meet you, and that he trusted you.' my mother looked puzzled as she said this, and fixed me with a piercing gaze.

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Sleepless Night & Trying Day

Alex cleared her throat and said," if you two want to do this by yourselves, i can just meet you at the bar when it's arr over." with a thick oriental accent, causing the other ladies to bust out in a fit of laughter.

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Meeting the Men

The badger held out his paw to the moose and said, "pleaset to meet you younk lady," with a thick german accent.placing her paw in the badgers, gripping it firmly as they shook paws daisy replied, "nice to meet you as well sir."

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The Great Escape

(July 17, 2013)[12:20 pm Cecily: We are staying on the island until the 19th. something about the space available flights. When are you leaving?][12:22pm Daisy: Wait what? Staying? I.. I thought you were already gone? Umm dad couldn't bump the flight...

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Meeting as One.

meeting as one! traffic was always infuriating especially upon a day such as this, it had been too far of a day to have things not go as he had planned.

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