End of the Beginning (A1, B11, C24)

nicky, here, said she could _smell_ sinopa. the kitsune must be close, or she may have come through this area recently." reno approached nicky and helped her to her feet. "you okay, hon?" "i'm good," nicky said.

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Mommy and Me Pt 3

"mark, nicky is down stairs." i ran inside and went in the basement. as i got down stairs i saw nicky. nicky was my best friend. she was a pick furred cat. we were the same age, but she was in a lower grade then me. i went up to nicky. "hi, nicky."

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Threads - Food Anyone?

Shauna and laura perked up, and then walked over to alex and nicky, but the shark seemed to break off and lunge up into the rafters. "oh... bye to you too nicky." "i'll see you later alex, don't you worry."

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The Blessing and The Curse - Part 1

Hooray, nicky's dead. pass the doritos.

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Zonktober 2022 - 12. Drone

Whatever it was, however, nicky found himself completely bound to it. a strong paw grabbed the lion's chin and forced him to look up. nicky squinted, trying to make out the face of his captor, but it was surrounded by shadows.

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San Francisco's Finest (Act1, Book1, Chapter10)

Sinopa offered nicky a smile. "your lady-friend seems familiar to me." nicky brought her cellphone to her chest and studied sinopa's face. "she shook her head in a slow, somewhat reluctant manner." sinopa nodded. "perhaps i am mistaken."

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And they like you, nicky, so i don't think that'll be a problem. we talked about you a bit, none of them had anything bad to say. i don't think they'll give you a hard time.

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EPILOGUE (End, Act1, Book10, Chapter25)

"nicky, sweetheart..." "what?" nicky cut her eyes from left to right. "where's reno? he was just with you guys." rufus moved between karla and nichole.

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Love Notes And Death Threats

It had been nicky's favorite class this period. she always did find the stars to be so romantic. it was nearing the end of the period when nicky felt a nudge at her side, looking over to see a smiling lioness.

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Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 12

nicky went streaking by, screaming like a maniac, his shovel raised sideways above his head like an axe. "_leave him alone!_" "nicky, no!"

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 103

nicky went streaking by, screaming like a maniac, his shovel raised sideways above his head like an axe. "_leave him alone!_" "nicky, no!"

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Twotopia - Epilogue: One last job.

"nicky?" parker gasped. still in nick's bedroom, locked within his own mind he could see his little cub nestled onto his chest as he lay in nick's bed.

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