Pages of Crime (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The streets of the trade district were a grinding mess of sound and sights, gleaming with the tones of cart wheels and wares on display. Tucked into one of the buildings, Varner's Books held against the tide of diversions as an oasis of dust and...

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Pages of Numbers (Otherwise Untitled)

~ with all the records open in tabs of her terminal, and pages splayed out across her table, detective clip divided her focus between the case at hand and the earpiece phone call to her mother.

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Shadow of Death (Title page)

#1 of shadow of death title page a preview of a tale of terror to mark my return to furry horror writing. not much, just a telling.

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Change of Perspective Page 39

Mila felt the darkness wash over her, the coldness flow over her scales, the burning sensation from before fading away, _"Am I dying? Why did I trust these machines!"_ she thinks as suddenly there was light, a soft blue hue illuminating her...

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Change of Perspective Page 38

Bang, bang, bang, Mila presses the trigger over and over. Janus and Fajar watch as Mila unloads the entire clip at Adrieal. Click, click, click, Mila continues to fire, her other hand braces herself up, claws digging into the sand as the pistol hisses,...

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Change of Perspective Page 37

Mila drops to the ground, her heart pounds to the point she feels as of it is about to leap from her chest, she shakes her head as her vision is blocked by the rock in front of her she mutters to herself, "Get a hold of yourself. We are in an entire...

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Change of Perspective Page 36

**Mila's Group** The machines whiz in the air, the heavy legs of the one drone rattles the ground as they fire off another laser which streaks through the air and tears a chunk of rock from the boulder. Mila screams and lowers herself even more...

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Change of Perspective Page 35

**One hour before the geth arrival in the system.** Mila looks outside from the back-passenger seat of their vehicle's ATV. The vehicle rocked and squeaked as it rumbled across the desert terrain as she comments "Some jungle paradise this is...

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Change of Perspective Page 34

**Geth Consensus** One set of geth programs report, "Initial analysis of local communication chatter and long-range scans have indicated that the rate of organic development of this region is considerably slower than our best low probability...

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Change of Perspective Page 33

**1y0d0hr0m0.00s Voyage to Andromeda** The geth fleet made it through their first full cycle, they remained in relatively close formation, coasting on the inertia only spending energy when its necessary. Most systems on all the ships are shut...

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Change of Perspective Page 32

The geth vessels even their massive dreadnought is dwarfed by the sheer size and magnitude of the mass relay. Silently the ships approached the relay, its bright blue energy sparking as they got closer... The geth start pinging the mass relay...

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Change of Perspective Page 31

**Day 33 of the Invasion** Lights from muzzle fire, and laser fire light up the landscape. Explosive fires burn for only a few brief moments as the fuel and oxygen brought with them quickly expend their energy. Attacks that would normally...

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