Pages of Numbers (Otherwise Untitled)

~ With all the records open in tabs of her terminal, and pages splayed out across her table, Detective Clip divided her focus between the case at hand and the earpiece phone call to her mother. ~ "You know why I won't, Mom. Not even for the holiday."...

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All in all, the inspection took a little over an hour, and it was late afternoon when rudder closed the thick ledger, the slam pulling the rat from his light sleep. "well, i'm satisfied. you keep good records, mister orel."

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The Snowy Gnoll

Riska finished up her calculations and scribbled the number down on the ledger. she passed the quill and ledger across the counter to the gnoll. "just sign there, to show we agree on the price," riska said.

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"ledger two copies your all. ledger one status." sparks asked concerned. "ledger one is clear, angels twelve and climbing. four grand of fuel left, she's thirsty."

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The Plight of an Underdog

The captain said, pointing to a box of ledgers.                 "sure thing boss. what am i looking for?"                 he tossed a bundle of blank paper down in front of him.

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Sinner - Kreet 74

It was menial, tedious work and they had brought back all the ledgers from twenty-five to thirty-five years ago.

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Feral Pleasures

She started flipping through the pages in her ledger to what experiments failed so she wouldn't repeat them tomorrow. herbs were a bad idea, and so were fish. she had previous success with common jewels.

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Going Concerns (Chapter 9)

Rowell took the ledger and headed toward the back of the station. gibson beamed. "what should i do, captain?" "officer scava, you seem to have a grave misunderstanding of what 'suspended' means."

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The Dog

The ledger was cast aside to the floor. 'that is enough preparation,' he barked, 'this will be the last time you'll feel a cock up your ass. consider this my reward to you.' braxfield loomed over me as i lay upon the desk.

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Snake Lords of the Desert 3

A few of the business ledgers." he could find a few things from them, but nothing definite, lorenus thought to himself, and even that depended on which ledgers his father had taken. in any case, it was better to leave that be.

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Snake Bone Room 1

The first is a spreadsheet that appears to be some sort of ledger. plenty of names catch her eye, each of them wealthy business rivals, government employees, or delegates.

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Snake Lords of the Desert 3

A few of the business ledgers." _he could find a few things from them, but nothing definite,_ lorenus thought to himself, and even that depended on which ledgers his father had taken. in any case, it was better to leave that be.

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