Birthday Exam

Hey all. This is my first story that I've uploaded. Actually it's really more the first I've finished XP. Usual disclaimer though, this contains material not suitable for those under 18. granted in today's day and! Anyway, you should also know...

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Tina's Story Chapter 64 -Reach Out in the Darkness

London explained what he was going to do, they began to prepare for the procedure. the kindly nurse gave felicia a shot of valium, but, even so, felicia had a look of stark terror on her face. "mrs. goldstein, i'm so scared!"

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Don’t Take Work Home With You

**Don't Take Work Home With You** _ **Before the story begins, I'd just like to say that this piece was inspired by a few stories I've seen, heard and been told over the years working closely with people in health care. This story bears no...

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Adventures in Misadventure CH. 2

Ch. 2 Clarin stood panting, the inn around her deathly silent. The small oil lamps rocked back and forth on their hooks, as if on a ship at sea. The entire patronage of _The Drunken Kraken_ lay unconscious. Clarin fought of her body's urge to...

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Dr. Artemis' Journal, Entry 2

(Note: this is a companion piece to my story series "Woofy and Me," and occurs shortly after the events of that story. This piece contains what could be considered to be major spoilers of certain plot points in that series, and may not make much sense...

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295 The Examination

Save Point: The Examination Peninsula Base, Rama Empire Cleo shivers as the sethura sprays an aerosolized, bees-wax based hydrocarbon product up her butt-crack. The motion turns to a shimmy of delight as the spray evaporates with a pleasing...

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That Place 4: The Routine

The next morning I must have slept in because I woke up to the sound of yelping and rattling as the metal guillotine doors were raised and one by one the dogs were booted, sometimes literally, out into the outdoor runs by Tom. I stood up as he...

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Chris stared at his reflection in the mirror and sighed sadly. The image he saw there was wrong. It had always been wrong, he now realized, but it had taken him a long time to admit it to himself. He stood there nude, exposing all the ways his body...

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Rabbit Test: Chapter Eight

Rabbit Test: Chapter Eight Dr. Stone cursed creatively in the back; there were no pain medicines she could give him with the alcohol he had been forced to drink. Fortunately, he was unconscious still but that was worrisome in itself. Rich was...

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Hell Week P. 35-77

Ana was quieter, though not entirely still. Nai sat up with him for the rest of the night--at least, for the scant handful of hours that counted as night. Ortice made no further complaints, now that Ana wasn't kicking him anymore. Bazlio had Oz to look...

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Hell Week p. 1-35

The litter was heavy, his back ached, and the rope was cutting into his hands. What he wouldn't have given for a cart, just one cart, a simple one with four wheels like a peddler might drive. He wouldn't even ask for an ox or a donkey. He wouldn't mind...

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Chapter 10: Sick day

Chapter 10 Sick day I woke up alone. I'd woken up by myself for as long as I can remember but this was my first time waking up alone. Having experience the warmth, comfort and security of being physically and emotionally close to people having...

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