Jim Chronicles Route 35 (Scrapped Old Edition)

It didn't matter to Jim as he smiled. He had been at this training business for a could of years and he realized after his last match with the Gym leader Whitney. The Miltank didn't just beat his crew, half of them were beaten so badly they would take...

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Facing the Real World Chapter 1: Beginning (Scrapped)

scrapped, soo terrible.... shakes head in shame "huh...what...how" darius stammered, then he fainted. _two days earlier_ friday june 14th,2013 "man" thought darius "health class was to descriptive for my comfort."

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The Calm Before the Storm Chapter 4 Scrapped version

Continuing their trek across Route 29, with nothing between them, Ethan took several breaths as his headache seemingly grew worse. Concerned, Nathan asked his older cousin "Isn't there anything I can do?" Appreciating his cousin wanting to help, Ethan...

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[Slightly Damned] Making Peace - Kazai's Scrapped POV

It's just a scrapped bit of making peace. originally i was going to use kazai's pov for the sex scene, but then i decided buwaro's pov would be better, since he could see more. i then reworked most of this back into the story.

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Ayame's Chronicles- Awakening of the Vixen

It seemed to be grinning maliciously, after nearly causing them to be buried in scrap. viximon warily started circling pagumon, in order to pull its attention away from takami.

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Commons to Kings

The two commons stared defiantly not willing to just be tossed aside from the very scraps the nobility didn't even want.

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Vargothen - New Beginnings - Session 1

I manage to gather some cloth scraps and bolts of wool, some pine wood, and some scrap iron... this might not be much... but i could re-purpose it all into more useful object...

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Seekers: Chapter Twenty: The Archives

The group of mechs had become clouds of sparks and scraps of metal being torn off. finally, elise let go of the trigger, and we both watched the front line fall down to the ground in a scrap heap.

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7 Year Journey

Iff shows it to be a ship sent to be scrapped. its power is spiking!" "shields! red alert!" she yelled. "scrapped? it appears to be intact to me. mr. brokarr, prepare a full spread from the rear weapons!"

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Crossing over the border between scrap district 52 and silver district 15 was like night and day.

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Guro Challenge #19: Pet-Play

Most of it was still-fresh scraps; bread crusts, carrot tops, apple cores. whole vegetables and chunks of bread and fish were mixed in here and there.

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