Café Plaisir: Canid's Adventure #10 - Lelutetia

**Lelutetia** The warm sun trickled brightly through the vivid green leaves as it made its way to the leafy floor of the forest. Pollen wafted up on an imperceptible breeze, the specks glinting in the light as they danced in the air. Trees hundreds...

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Café Plaisir: Canid's Adventure #9 - Ravage

**Ravage** The harsh beat pounded in Canid's ears, rough notes making his eardrums reverberate with almost painful intensity. The vibrations ran through the floor like miniature earthquakes, countless feet thumping in time to the rapid beat. A...

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Café Plaisir: Canid's Adventure #5 - Ceylon

**Ceylon** "What about him?" "Quite subby, lahk's people ta play a lil' rough wit' him. Odd fer a Houndoom, ah know, but that jus' makes him kinda special. If you're looking fer a dom, then he ain't fer you, ah'm afraid." Canid nodded. He clicked...

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The Mightyena Family #3 - Dextus

**The Mightyena Family** **Part 3 - Dextus** "_Dex, tell me where you put it."_ "_C'mon, Sin, just one lick."_ "_Dex..."_ "_One lick, that's all, then I'll tell...please sis, I wanna feel it again..."_ _A soft breeze whispers through the bushes...

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Café Plaisir: October's Jaunt Chapter 1 - A High Spirited Visit

#2 of café plaisir: october's jaunt two years ago, a writer came to the workings of one dark violet at cafe plaisir and was so impressed by what he had found, that he simply had to join in.

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That Which Lurks in the Forest's Night

**That Which Lurks in the Forest's Night** _A Café Plaisir Tale_ _Warning: NC_ Old, heavy raindrops fell from the fresh leaves onto the sodden ground below with loud, dull splashes. These woods were awash with the smells of a rain just past; musty...

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Dawn's Silhouette

Dawn's Silhouette By Dark Violet As the golden trickle of consciousness returned to his body, as his paws splayed and his tails shuffled at the return of feeling, and as that slow, firm, insistent groping continued, October was sure... This was a...

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**Temptations** _- For Guri_ The smoke from the incense curled, swirling like some ethereal exotic dancer. The smell of wood smoke permeated the air of the warm, plush penthouse room, high on the top floor of Café Plaisir. Cas leaned back in the...

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Hot Nights with Feral Lust

**Hot Nights with Feral Lust** It is the evenings at Café Plaisir that are always the most busy. There's something about a brothel that makes people think of nighttime romps, of fun in the darkness, and of revelry all night long at the lusts of...

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A Late Night Order

**A Late Night Order** Oh, it's such a wonderful night. There is no moon anymore - that slowly waxing crescent has slipped beneath the lip of the Café's dark roof, lost somewhere in the forests beyond, leaving the stars as masters. Above, in that...

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Good Timing, Great Time

**Good Timing, Great Time** _- For Sandnite_ The air of the cool Winter afternoon wafted in through the front doors of the Café. It wasn't an icy chill, but enough to invigorate the soul with perhaps a little push to stay inside... "Well, I can get...

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Little Star

Anyway, i hope you enjoy it~old description: cafe plaisir can be a hustle and bustle at night with customers in every room; but at about mid afternoon, it can settle down and be nigh on entirely uneventful.

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