Bad Wolf 2

This was done because the smell was a massive turn on for michael and so he worked out most of the time with a hard cock. he also didn't wore work out clothes. this means that on the ground and on the machines were puddles of sweat.

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Lord of arms-Character info

Karlson shisetsu kampbell age: 21 occupation: student species: husky werebeast element: lightning specialty: sword techniques idea: durendal(sword) likes: working out, card games dislikes: video games, reading dan(the white tiger) age: ?


Teacher's Assistant Needed

"we don't need some queer leering at us when we work out, and if we do see you here we'll make sure you can't move!"

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Pump It Up

"yes, you're right" "don't worry about that, that happens to me each time that i work out." "really.?" "yes, but i use to work out like in the ancient times, you know what i mean.?" ace moved his head from one side to another.

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Just One More

He almost could have been mistaken as one of the massive beasts that worked out. almost.

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"hmmm...maybe i should work out to get my mind off this? yeah! that'll work!" he said, getting a bit more excited from the thought of being able to work out again.

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Paying For Your Workout, Part One

We work out the payment while you work out the'll be over before you know it, but you'll be surprised at how exhausting it is."

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Polar Bear Boss Bred

After being in meetings all day with him and a few others, his sweaty musk has my needy cunt break out in a positive lather, so i go work out.

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Stalking Male Mothers

Raffe begin removing his shirt and jacob said "i didn't realize how much i missed just watching guys work out. but most of the best ones to watch are gone."

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After School Training (Request for Zeeme)

The two began to work out in the attached weight room, going through a routine that kalvin said would help matt with his problems.

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My Best Friend's Older Zebra Brother

My dildo keeps me happy as does working out regularly, it burns off a lot of sexual tension.

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