The Diary of Balto Mercer Ch.1 Part 2

Harry yawned, as he walked across the snowy field. He forgot to tell anybody what time to be there, but, he'd just have to wait. "Hey, Harry!" He looked up from his feet, to find everyone waiting by the ruins. "We've been waiting all week for this! I...

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Finding the Other Spirit

Is it the alcohol? is it old man's gift? there is so much i want to ask him but can't now. not with longer, darker lips. i watch in fascination at the mirror before me.

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Derek's Flashback

"Derek get your ass down here!" Tim my lion friend yelled. As I reached the bottom of the stairs he was wearing white button up shirt with blue jeans while I was wearing the exact opposite baggy cargo pants and a random ass band shirt. "You aren't...

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Ch. 5: The Lion's Head Pub

Combined with the alcohol, he was no longer able to think straight. by his third drink (or was it his fourth?) bart had already snorted all the kiss that he'd brought with him.

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Shifting Consequences--Chapter 31: Lies to Protect

When was the last time she had alcohol? who knows? a year? more? either this is a strong drink or her tolerance is non-existent. "a bed in one of the store rooms... why didn't i think of that?" she giggles. he laughs.

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The Broken Man

Cold skies And shivering sighs; Lonely nights And dimmed lights; A bit of wine To help pass the time; To make me forget That I've lost what was mine Shadowed walls And empty halls; Blinking reminder: Ten missed calls; Another drink,...

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Death In A Business Suit P2

I asked him "yeah i'm fine, i'm tired of this song though...and the alcohol isn't helping but i guess it doesn't always help" he laughed "and sadly it doesn't make you funny" i chuckled "yes sadly it doesn't...what's your name anyways" i asked, he sat up

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Lyle le Loosely Lucid Lion - Part 2/3 (in honor of AW451)

He then pulled her by the arm and gave her cheek a long, slow lick, leaving a trail of saliva, alcohol, and puke on her cheek. he then picked her up by the shoulders, walked over by the window, and threw her out, breaking the window.

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Revealed: Prologue

He jumped at the opportunity to drown out some of his worry in alcohol. "of course." he waved his hand at the servant door and immediately, the servant came out with a bottle of wine and two glasses on a silver platter.

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Werewulf part 2

His greasy dirty blond hair hung in tendrils down the sides of his head, his blue eyes seemed unfocused from the alcohol in his system. he was about as tall as kyle, maybe an inch shorter.

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Surprise Visit

So when i got here and heard that i could buy alcohol, i almost bolted to the nearest store just to see if it was true!"

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This hell known as Earth!

It is amazing how if you slip on the most expensive item in town people stare. The most armor Faolchú had ever had was a pauldron and that did little to nothing. Having metal armor could allow him to go on more dangerous jobs... And the more...

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