Darkness on the Crystal City - Chapter 7 - Aesir

Chapter 7 - Aesir Jack looked down at his untidy desk, all the papers piled on top of each other, each a separate incident relating to Aesir. He had expected Natasha to still be awake when he got back to his office in the dead of night but instead she...

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Darkness on the Crystal City - Chapter 6 - Oedipus

Chapter 6 - Oedipus "So are we agreed?" asked Ivan Grace as he sat within his massive boardroom within Phoenix Grace headquarters. The building itself was parked right in the centre of Chentrilla Island, the dead centre of the city, amongst the most...

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Valkyrie Deliverance - Chapter 2 - One's Own Heart

Chapter 2 - One's own heart Location: Gateway (Homeworld, Helfhiem) "I can't fail now!" shouted Kestra as she was knocked back along the cliff. She had grown during her years of incarceration, her originally emerald hair had dulled to a point of gray...

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Darkness on the Crystal City - Chapter 5 - The Informant

Chapter 5 - Informant Jack entered the lonely car-park at the docks of Chentrilla. He had considered that this might have been a trap, it was not beyond the realms of possibility for any corporation. He checked his watch as it ticked silently to...

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Valkyrie - Book 1 -Chapter 8 - Flashback (Revised Edition)

Chapter 8 - Flashback Location: Helfhiem (Gateway, Homeworld) - On the Edge of Terran Space, before the "Great Scar" Approximately 300 Years Ago It was raining on Helfhiem, but it always rained. The sun never shone on this...

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Valkyrie - Book 1 - Chapter 7 - Stormfront (Revised Edition)

Chapter 7 - Stormfront Location: Viridian Forest Lance sat by a small crackling fire that he had built himself, a sense of accomplishment washed over his tired, aching body. Diamond, who had been unconscious since the attack and falling off the...

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Valkyrie - Book 1 - Chapter 3 - The Girl (Revised Edition)

Chapter 3 - The Girl Location: Phoenix Grace Main Office - Chentrilla City "How many times have I go to tell you?" sighed Diamond irritated. He was sat in a small dark room with a table stretched out before him. The room bear similarities to the same...

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Valkyrie - Book 1 - Chapter 2 - The Dig (Revised Edition)

Chapter 2 - The Dig Location: Everonth Mountains - 500km North of New Chentrilla Island The day had not proved particularly fruitful as the perplexed tiger sat at a small wooden desk inside his tent. He had been both confused and annoyed all day as...

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Valkyrie - Book 1 - Chapter 1 - The Last Horse (Revised Edition)

Valkyrie Book 1 - Fate and Rebirth Prologue Alexandrian Computer Bank Accessed.... Subject: Terran History Play Log... Terra... a beautiful planet once known as the jewel of the Altia Galaxy. Terra was a small lush planet that had given rise to...

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