Primrose Valley: Who Needs Babysitters

He was an infant now, reduced all the way down to a newborn. deven's changes weren't as dramatic but had some odd effects.

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They'd Never Let Us Know

"i'm no baby!" "i'll prove you're a baby!"

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The Nursery

He could see other cribs throughout the room and there were other baby animal people sleeping in the cribs. "oh! looks like someone is awake!" a voice called as a person in a one coat walked over to frinkel's crib.

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He was a proud father to a beautiful baby girl. he held the impossibly tiny, squirming baby in the crook of his arm. his wife snoozed on their bed. his phone buzzed. pwolf: congratulations. - you know what to do...

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Mama Wolf

Zeelo clumsily grabbed for one of the bagged treats, tearing at baby teeth but unable to open it.

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Ch.5 : Tab A and Slot B

A thought made me pause, what if i literally sounded like a baby? what if i was gurgling baby-talk at them?

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Princess in a Pouch

"shh baby, it's okay~" she cooed, rocking him gently side-to-side. "momma's got you now, good princesses relax..~"

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Forever Young (Chapter 3)

Mommy's baby has ten toes!" hunter whimpered as she jumped into the next verse. "in the nursery, i can see, mommy lion and her cute baby, all snuggled up, ready to sleep. how many fingers do you have, baby?"

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Wolves and Lambs.

"when you do cum, do it inside me, fill me up so i can have your baby." she told him on her lust fueled high. he then proceeded to stand up and slam into her so hard she was screaming his name.

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The birth of Jasper Griffin Jr.

The baby had been born right on schedule, september 19th. it was a beautiful baby boy. brian: "that is fantastic news! what's his name?" jasper: "jasper jr." brian: "awwww..." jasper: "brian, i wanted to ask you something.

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The Daycare Machine (Part 1)

After that, three more hands came out, one holding baby powder, and the others, a baby diaper. the powder hand powdered paul, causing him to have a coughing fit.

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